
How did Moshe partner with the Kohahim in his words of Chizuk?


Ramban (on Pasuk 1): The Kohanim said "Haskeis u'Shema Yisrael!", and Moshe continued. 1


Seforno: Moshe warned the people to study Torah in depth together with the Kohanim, because the onus of teaching the people Torah lies with them. 2


Refer also to 27:1:1:1*.


Seforno: As the Torah will write in Vezos ha'Berachah, 33:10.


What are the connotations of "Haskeis u'Shema"?


Seforno: It means 'Picture Torah in your mind's eye and reflect'. 1


Rosh: It means 'Make groups ("Haskeis" = 'Kitos') and tilt your hearts to hear words of Torah'.


B'rachos, 63b #1: "Haskeis" is the acronym of 'Asu Kitos ve'Isku ba'Torah'. 2 Make groups and study Torah - because can only be acquired via learning in groups. 3


B'rachos, 63b #2: It implies "Katsu Atzm'chem al Divrei Torah' - in keeping with the words of Resh Lakish who said that Torah will only last with someone who 'kills himself' for them', 4 as the Torah writes in Chukas Bamidbar, 19:14 "Zos ha'Torah, Adam ki Yamus be'Ohel".


B'rachos, 63b #3: 'Has' (learn simply) 5 and afterwards 'Kateis' (Grind - learn in depth). 6


Seforno (on Pasuk 10): If you do that, you will be bound to obey Hashem's instructions.


See Torah Temimah, note 7.


Before the (oral) Torah was transcribed.


Rashi: To pain oneself in order to learn Torah (to study Torah with Mesiras Nefesh).


See Torah Temimh, note 9.


B'rachos. Ibid.: Like Rava said - 'First obtain a lot of Beki'us before learning be'Iyun'.


What prompted Moshe to say "Hayom ha'Zeh Nih'yeisa le'Am"?


Rashi #1: The covenant that they were about to make with Hashem. 'Now that you are entering into a covenant with Hashem, you should consider every day as if it is the day that you entered into it - that the Torah should be as beloved on those who study it 1 as the day that it was given on Har Sinai'.


Rashi #2 (in 29:3): When Moshe wrote the Seifer Torah and gave it to the B'nei Levi, 2 all of Yisrael approached him and complained that they too, received the Torah at Har Sinai, and that, as a result of empowering his own tribe over them, there would come a day when the Levi'im will claim that the Torah was given to them, and not to us. 3


See Torah Temimah, note 10.


As the Torah writes in 31:9.


Rashi: This made Moshe happy, and that was when he said "Hayom ha'Zeh Nih'yeisa le'Am". This is similar to when, after doubting his sons' loyalties, Ya'akov was appeased when they cried out in unison 'Sh'ma Yisrael ... ' - as cited in the Oznayim la'Torah,

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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