
Why does the Torah employ the double expression "Hakei Sakeh"?


Rashi: To teach us that, if the Sanhedrin cannot carry out the death sentence in the way that the Torah prescribes, one should implement it in any way that one can.


Whom does "Yoshvei ha'Ir" incorporate?


Sanhedrin, 111b: Even the members of a donkey or camel-train that travels from place to place that has resided in town for thirty days are considered residents. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 51.


What are the implications of "Osah ve'es Kol asher bah"?


Ramban: It means those who followed the words of the inciter 1 and the women 2 who are drawn after the men.


Sanhedrin, 112a: "Asher Bah", precludes the property of the resident Tzadikim that is not in the town (from being burnt), whereas "Kol ... ", includes the property of Tzadikim that is in the town. 3


Regarding children, refer to 13:18:151:3 & 4 and note, where R. Eliezer maintins that they are killed - Mordechai in Sanhedrin 716: Provided they are somewhat mature and that they served idolatry, but not small children who do not know anything. Daf Al ha'Daf (Sanhedrin 111b, citing R. Aharon Kotler (Yeshurun 6:363): The Ramban states that Shi'urim do not apply to Nochrim, so a Nochri who has Da'as is an adult, even if he is under thirteen.


Impying that women who did not sin are not included.


See Torah Temimah, note 52.


Why is the property of the Tzadikim - who did not sin, burnt?


Sanhedrin: 112a: Because, they lived there on account of their property.


Why should the animals die?


Seforno: To completely wipe out the name of the sinning town. 1


Rashi: Like the Torah writes about Amalek 25:19 "Timcheh es Zeicher Amalek" Refer to 25:19:2:1.


Which Misah do the Madichin receive?


Refer to 13:14:3.1:3.


Bearing in mind that the punishment for Avodah Zarah is stoning, why are the sinners of Ir ha'Nidachas put to death by the sword?


Sanhedrin (111b, according to Maharatz Chayos 50a 1 ): Since - as opposed to individuals who serve idolatry - the Torah is stringent to destroy their money, it is lenient regarding their death.


Bechor Shor: Because an entire city will not submit to death. They will fight! Therefore, Beis-Dine have no option other than to kill them by the sword. 2


Aderes Eliyahu: Becuse they are judged like Nochrim, who are killed by the sword. Refer to 13:16:2:1*.


Maharatz Chayos: Alternatively, what the Gemara means is that, since the Torah is lenient regarding their death, it is stringent with regard to destroying their money.


The question arises in that case, why, if any of the many conditions regarding Ir ha'Nidachas are not met, they all die by Sekilah?

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