
What are the connotations of "Vayih'yu Sham ka'asher Tzivani Hashem"?


Ramban #1: It means that the Luchos remained in the wooden Aron until the Mishkan was completed, when Hashem commanded him to transfer them to the Aron that Betzalel made. 1


Ramban #2: It means that the Luchos, which were the crux of the Mishkan, 2 were to be placed in the Aron where they were to remain forever, for the Shechinah to dwell in Yisrael. 3


Ramban: In Sh'mos 25:21.


Refer to 10:1:2:2.


Ramban: 'As Hashem commanded him' - originally in Terumah, 25:21 & 22.

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