
What is the significance of the comparison between the curtains of goat's-hair and those of ram's and Tachash-skins?


Shabbos, 28a: It teaches us that an Ohel made of ram or Tachash skin is subject to Tum'ah, just like one of goat's-hair. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 16.



Rashi writes that "Ohel Mo'ed" refers to the curtains of goats'-hair, and "Michsehu", to those of rams'- skin. How do those who explain that the top cover was half of rams'- skin and half of Tachash, explain the Pasuk - bearing in mind that the Pasuk also mentions "Michseh ha'Tachash"?


Moshav Zekeinim: When they traveled, it was rolled to the middle, and because from one side, only the half of rams'-skin could be seen, and from the other side, only that of the Tachash-skin, it is considered two covers.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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