
What are the implications of the phrase "Ki be'Ir Miklato Yeishev"?


Makos, 12b: It implies that if the murderer kills be'Shogeg inside the Ir Miklat, he is not permitted to escape to another Ir Miklat, but must run to a different district in the same town.


Having written "ha'Kohen ha'Gadol" in Pasuk 25, why does the Torah repeat it here another two times?


Makos, 11a: To teach us that the murderer also goes free with the death of the Kohen Merubeh Begadim 1 and of the deputy Kohen Gadol who once served in place of the Kohen Gadol. 2


Who was appointed in the time of the second Beis-Hamikdash, when the jar of oil was hidden. See Torah Temimah on Pasuk 25, note 27.


But not with the death of the Mashu'ach Milchamah - as is the opinion of R. Yehudah. See Torah Temimah, Ibid.


What are the implications of "Yashuv ha'Rotze'ach el Eretz Achuzaso"?


Makos, 11b: It implies burial, 1 and it teaches us that if the murderer dies before the Kohen Gadol, he is interred in the Ir Miklat until the Kohen Gadol's death, 2 and then he is transferred to his family burial plot.


Sifri: It implies that upon the death of the Kohen Gadol, the murderer is returned to his hereditary land - but not to his former position. 3


See Torah Temmah, citing Makos, Ibid.


Which completes the murderer's atonement. See Torah Temimah, note 62.


See Torah Temimah, note 63.

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