
What are the implications of "Hein Heinah Hayu li'Venei Yisrael ... "?


Rashi (citing the Yalkut Shimoni): It implies that they actually recognized the women - 'That's the one with whom P'loni sinned!'


What are the connotations of the words "bi'Devar Bil'am"?


Rashi: It refers to Bil'am's words to Balak - 'No matter how many troops you employ, you will never be able to defeat them! Are you superior to the Egyptians, who had six hundred chosen chariots (and look what happened to them!). Come, let me advise you. The G-d of these people hates immorality ... '.


Why does the Torah insert the word "li'Mesor Ma'al ba'Hashem", instead of the usual "li'Me'ol Ma'al"?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, with refernce to the sin of Pe'or (Avodah Zarah), 1 the Mo'avim were trying to sway them over to their religion. 2


Refer to 25:2:2:1.


See Oznayim la'Torah.

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