
Having discussed Charishah in Pasuk 12, why does the Torah repeat it here?


Nedarim, 79a: Charishah in Pasuk 12 1 is referring to where the husband is silent in order to endorse the Neder and here it is referring where he remains silent in order to upset his wife 2 (whereas "ki Hecherish lah" at the end of the Pasuk is referring to where he is silent S'tam, without any specific intention - Torah Temimah). 3


See Torah Temimah note 83, who ammends the Lashon in the Gemara.


Oznayim la'Torah: Which the Torah does not insert by a father or by an Arus, since it is not the way of a father to deliberately upset his daughter, or an Arus, his Kalah.


See Torah Temimah, who elaborates. Refwer also to 30:12:1:1.


What are the connotations of "mi'Yom el Yom"?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means that a father and a husband can annul the Nedarim of his daughter or his wife until nightfall. 1


B'chor Shor (citing Nedarim 10:8): It precludes the annulment of Nedarim at night-time.


Nedarim, 76b: It teaches us that a husband and a father are permitted to be Meifer Nedarim at nighttime.


Mizrachi: Because when night faslls, the next day begins. Rashi: To preclude the opinion that he has twenty-four hours in which to annul. Refer to 30:15:151:1.



Rashi writes that "mi'Yom el Yom" teaches that Hafarah is only until nightfall after he hears the vow, and not for twenty-four hours. But the Chachamim learn this from "be'Yom Sham'o", and those who disagree learn from "mi'Yom el Yom" that he has twenty-four hours?


See Torah Temimah in Pasuk, note 63, who, after amending Rashi to read 'le'Kach Ne'emar be'Yom Shemo'a' equates Rashi with the Sifri.

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