
What are the connotations of of "ki'Nechalim Nitayu"?


Rashi #1: 'Like rivers that flow long distances'.


Seforno: The Batei Kenesiyos and the Batei-Midrash for the multitude of Yisrael are comparable to rivers that are planted next to fields to water them, And the Torah-leaders draw from those who study to teach the masses; Similarly, those who Daven are comparable to gardens that grow beside the river, which do not cease to provide fruit. 1


Targum Onkelos: 'Like the fertile garden on the banks of the River P'ras'.


Targum Yonasan: 'Like self-generating rivers are Bnei Yisrael (the Talmidei-Chachamim) who congregate to study Torah'.


Da'as Zekenim (in Pasuk 5) and Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 1): Just like rivers spread in various directions, so Yisrael multiply and need to spread tents and widen them. 2


Oznayim la'Torah #2: When Bil?am looked towards the desert, expecting to see an arid infertile area of desert sand, he was amazed to see streams and rivers which the princes had dug for the water to flow from Mri?am?s well to the tribes.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: It is referring to what Bil'am saw when he looked towards the camp of Yisrael - rivers of water and streams flowing from Miriam's well to the tribes to provide them with a constant supply of water, and with gardens of fragrant spices, fruit-trees and cedars - providing them with wood - growing in the vicinity of the camp. 3


Seforno: As the Gemara states in Rosh Hashanah, 17b ?Hashem made a covenant with the Thirteen Midos ? that they never return empty-handed?.


Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: As the Navi writes in Yeshayah 54:2"Harchivi M'kom Ahalech".


See Oznayim la?Torah.


What are the connotations of "ke'Ganos alei Nahar"?


Targum Yonasan: 'Like gardens that are planted on pools of water are their Talmidim who study Torah in groups in their Batei-Midrash' and whose faces shine like the sky that Hashem created on the second day of the creation and stretched in honor of the Shechinah'.


Refer to 24:5:1:3*.


What are the connotations of "ka'Arazim alei Mayim"?


Rashi #4 (in Ta'anis, 20a): Refer to 24:5:1:3 and note. Bil'am intended to say "ka'Arazim" - 'which grow in a location where there is no water', only Hashem (in the form of a Heavenly Voice) added - "Alei Mayim". 1


Targum Yonasan: ?Their sheen on their facess illuminates like the sheen of the heavens that Hashem created on the second day of the creation.


Rashi (Ibid.): He wanted to say "ki'Nechalom Itayu" - 'which sometimes stop flowing', only Hashem added "Nitayu". He wanted to say "ke'Ganos" - 'which grow' in a location where there is no water', only Hashem added "alei Nahar": He wanted to say "ka'Ahalim" (like aloes - a type of spice) planted by man. Only Hashem added "Nata Hashem". And this is what the Pasuk is referring to when it writes in Ki Seitzei Devarim, 23:6 "va'Yahafoch Hashem es ha'Kelalah li'Berachah".


What are the connotations of "ka'Ahalim Nata Hashem"?


Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Rashbam: 'Like the aloes (a spice) that Hashem planted in Gan Eden'. 1


Rashi #2: 'Like the heavens that Hashem stretched like a tent. 2


Ramban (on Pasuk 7): The current Pesukim are praising Eretz Yisrael, comparing it to a fertile garden and to a spring of water that will not dry up.


Da'as Zekenim (in Pasuk 5) and Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 1): Like the valuable plants that Hashem planted in Gan Eden, 3 they grow and are blessed.


Targum Yonasan: ?And He stretched them to the (location) of the Glory of the Shechinah to raise them above all the other nations?.


B?rachos, 16a: With referenc to the tents of Torah, the Torah juxtaposes ?tents of Torah? 4 to ?rivers of water? to teach us that the former, like the latter, raises a person from Tumah to Taharah.


Rashbam: And as in Tehilim, 45:9.


Rashi: As in Yeshayah, 40:22,


As the Torah wrote in Bereishis 2:8.


See Torah Temimah, note 11, who elaborates.


Why did Bil'am compare Yisrael to a cedar-tree beside water?


Targum Yonasan: Because Yisrael will rise above all the other nations like cedars of the Levanon that are planted beside water (that grow taller than all other trees).


Sanhedrin, 105b: Refer to 24:5:1:3*.


Ta'anis, 20a: He actually meant to say 'a cedar-tree where there is no water', 1 as opposed to Achiyah ha'Shiloni, who, when cursing Yisrael, compared them to a cane growing in water. 2


Because, just as a cedar-tree thrives next to water, so too, do Yisrael thrive when they study Torah.


Refer to 24:6:1.1:1*.


Melachim 1, 14:15. Ta'anis (Ibid.): Moreover, a cane will regrow when cut down, and it has many roots, which causes it to sway in the strongest of winds but to remain firm - unlike a cedar, which does not regrow when cut down and whose roots are not sufficiently strong to prevent it from being uprooted by the south-wind (See Torah Temimah, note 14) and falling. Hence the Pasuk writes in Mishlei, 27:6 'Faithful are the wounds inflicted by a lover; excessive are the kisses of a foe'.

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