
What are the implications of (the otherwise superfluous) phrase "Vayasem Davar be'Fiv"?


Rashi: When Bil'am heard that he was again not permitted to curse Yisrael, he considered not returning to Balak - to upset him; so Hashem placed a bridle and a hook in his mouth - like one does to an animal to lead it to wherever one wants it to go - and ordered him to return to Balak, whether he liked it or not.


Why does the Torah write "va'Yikar Hashem el Bil'am", when earlier, in Pasuk 4, it wrote "va'Yikar Elokim ... "!


Moshav Zekenim: Now Bil'am was elevated to the level of a prophet in honor of Yisrael, with the Midah of mercy, with Hashem's Great Name that was revealed to Moshe. Until now, he heard Midas ha'Din (Elokim), and thought to find a sin to turn Hashem against Yisrael. This is why it says (24:1) "va'Yar Bil'am ki Tov be'Einei Hashem Levarech."

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