
Having mentioned "min ha'Bakar" in Pasuk 3, why does the Torah need to add "ve'Chi Sa'aseh Ben Bakar ... "?


Menachos, 90b: To confine Nesachim to Korb'nos Nedavah - to preclude the Se'irei Chatas that are brought on Yom-Tov from the realm of Nesachim. 1


Menachos (Ibid.): Even though Shalmei Chagigah and Olos Re'iyah are included. Refer to 15:3:3:1.


Why does the Torah insert the word "O Zavach"?


Menachos, 91b: Refer to 15:3:5:2*. To teach us that someone who brings two Olos or two Shelamim, even one as a Neder and one as a Nedavah, is Chayav to bring one Nesech for each Korban. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 8.


Why does the Torah insert the words "O Shelamim"?


Menachos, 91b: Refer to 15:8:2:1. To teach us that even someone who brings two Olos or two Shelamim as a Neder or as a Nedavah is Chayav to bring one Nesech for each Korban. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 8.

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