
What are "Korbanam" and "Chatasam", respectively, referring to?


Rashi and Ramban: "Korbanam" refers to the bull of the Olah and "Chatasam", to the goat of the Chatas.


Why does the Torah add "ve'Hein Hevi'u es Korbanam ... "?


Ramban #1: To stress that, in spite of the severity of the sin, since it was performed be'Shogeg and they brought their Olah and Chatas, they deserve an atonement.


Ramban #2 (citing R. Yashiyah 1 in the Sifri): If one tribe sinned following a ruling of its Beis-Din, and other tribes followed suite, they are all subject to bring an Olah and a Chatas.


Ramban #3 (According to Kabalah): The Torah inserts both "la'Hashhem" and "Lifnei Hashem", the former, corresponds to the Midas Rachamim; the latter, 2 to Midas ha'Din 3 - which Chazal sometimes describe as 'Hu u'Beis-Dino'.


Although according to R. Yonasan, it is only that specific tribe that is Chayav the Olah.


Ramban: Which is synonymous with "Al Panai".


Ramban: We do not find this dual expression by any other sin-offering (See R. Chavel's footnotes).


Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) words "ve?Chatasam ? al "Shig'gasam"?


Zevachim, 41a: "Chatasam" refers to the Se'irei Avodas-Kochavim, and "Shig'gasam", to the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur, 1 (to which the Torah is comparing it), 2 and Chatasam al Shiggasam? implies that regarding the burning of the Emurim, this Chatas is equivalent to all other regular Chata?os.


Regarding the burning of the Emurim. See Torah Temimah, note 69.

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