
"Veyatza el ha'Mizbe'ach". Which Mizbe'ach is the Pasuk referring to?


Rashi: It refers to the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores which stood before Hashem in the Heichal.


What are the connotations of the word "Ve'yatza el ha'Mizbe'ach"?


Rashi: After standing between the Paroches and the Mizbe'ach (in order to sprinkle towards the Paroches), he moved out to a spot on the far side of the Mizbe'ach in order to sprinkle on the Mizbe'ach, beginning with the north-eastern corner.


Yoma, 58b: It teaches us that, as opposed to the Par He'elam Davar, whose blood the Kohen sprinked towards the Paroches from the outside of the Mizbe'ach (ha'Ketores), the Kohen Gadol now went from the inside of the Mizbe'ach, from where he had sprinkled the blood of the Par and the Sa'ir, to otside, in order to sprinkle the bloods on the Mizbe'ach itself.


How did Aharon atone for the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav?


Rashi: By mixing the blood of the Par and of the Sa'ir and sprinkling them together, as prescribed in the following Pasuk. 1


Interestingly, this Kaparah is already mentioned in Sh'mos 30:10 (See Rashi there). Oznayim la'Torah: Indeed, the words "Achas ba'Shanah" (only once) and "mi'Dam ha'Chatas" (and not 'mi'Demei ha'Chatas') indicates that the two bloods must be mixed and sprinkled together._


Why is the blood of the Sa'ir not Bateil in the larger quantity of blood of the Par?


Menachos, 22a: We learn from here that whatever goes on the Mizbe'ach is not subject to Bitul. 1


See Totah Temimah, note 82.


How did Aharon place the blood on the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav?


Yoma, 58b: He went from the north-eastern Keren to the north-western Keren, 1 to the south-east, finishing with the south-western Keren - the Keren with which the Kohen began sprinkling the Chatas on the Mizbe'ach ha'Olah,


See Torah Temiomah, note 83.


What is the difference between "Ve'tiharo" and "ve'Kadsho"?


Sifra: "Ve'tiharo" from the past, and "ve'Kidsho", for the future (for the Korbanos to be accepted with goodwill). 1


See Torah Temimah, note 88.


Wht is the significance of the comparison of "Vetiharo" to "ve'Kadsho"?


Yoma, 59a: It teaches us that he sprinkles on the Mizbe'ach that s closest to the spot where he finished placing the blood. 1


Yerushalmi Shabbos, 1:3: It teaches us that Taharah leads to Kedushah. 2


Refer to 16:18:5:1.


See Torah Temimah, note 87


Why is all Avodas Yom Kipur Kosher only through the Kohen Gadol?


Moshav Zekenim: Yom Kipur is like the world to come. Just like Micha'el atones above, Aharon atones below.



Rashi writes that he mixes the blood of the Par and of the Sa'ir and sprinkles them together. Even though there is more blood of the bull, the blood of the goat is not Batel. How does R. Yehudah learn from this (Menachos 22a) that Min b'Mino is not Batel? Perhaps he takes from the bull only as much as the goat's blood! Also, perhaps it is not Batel because it is Kavu'a (fixed)!


Moshav Zekenim: Kavu'a only applies to something important and recognized. (He left the first question difficult.)


Griz (22a): The Yerushalmi holds that one must mix all the bull's blood. (There is no source that the Bavli argues.) Sefas Emes (22a) - we must say that we mix all the blood, for we must put the Shirayim on the Yesod. If some was not mixed, the Shirayim from what was mixed are not Shirayim from what was not mixed.

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