
What is the meaning of "Salselah u'Sromemeka"?


Rashi: Seek it - pursue [Chachmah] to be meticulous in it, like "l'Votzer Al Salselos" (Yirmeyah 6:9) - one who returns in the vineyard and stretches his hand to seek Olelos (deficient clusters). Chachamim discussed one who is Mesalsel his hair (Nazir 1:1).


R. Yonah: Salselah is like "Solu la'Rochev ba'Aravos", "Mesilos bi'Lvavam" (Tehilim 68:5, 84:6) - supports.


Malbim: First one must picture in his heart the importance of Chachmah and its grandeur. Corresponding to this, Chachmah elevates him. 1


Shabbos 23b: One who loves Rabanan, he will have sons who are Rabanan. One who honors Rabanan will have son-in-laws who are Rabanan. One who fears Rabanan, he himself will be a Chacham.


What do we learn from "Techabedecha Ki Sechabekenah"


R. Yonah: He loves Rabanan, fears and honors them. The opposite of honor is an Apikoros. One who disgraces Chachamim, explains Torah unlike the Halachah, says 'Rabanan do not help us' or disgraces someone in front of a Chacham, he is an Apikoros (Sanhedrin 99b). This shows that due to a sin [in front of] one Chacham he is called an Apikoros. This is due to Kidush Hashem, so people will know that the primary Avodah is in the creations 1 , and people will strengthen themselves in this. When a child honors his parent, Hashem considers it as if He dwelled among them and they honored Him (Kidushin 30b). When Rav Yosef [who was blind] would hear his mother's footsteps, he would say 'I will rise before the Divine Presence that is coming' (ibid., 31b). "Es Hashem Elokecha Tira" (Devarim 10:20) includes Chachamim (ibid., 57a). One must honor His servants (Nevi'im) close to Him - "Lo Osecha Ma'asu Ki Osi Ma'asu" (Shmuel I, 8:7). One who gives merchandise for Chachamim to benefit from it, he merits to sit in the Yeshivah above (Pesachim 53b).


Malbim: If you embrace Chachmah - cling to it with love, for it is like your wife, and you constantly are engrossed in love of it, it will bequeath to you honor of the spiritual Nefesh.


Based on Sha'arei Teshuvah 3:148, perhaps the text should say 'Avodas Hashem is the primary reason for the creations.' (PF)

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