
What do we learn from "Tachanunim Yedaber Rash [v'Ashir Ya'aneh Azos]"?


Sanhedrin 44a: This refers to Moshe, who prayed in a soft voice for Yisrael.


Rashi: They are wont to speak like this. The verse teaches Derech Eretz (proper conduct). Even if "v'Ashir Ya'aneh Azos", the Oni should speak softly. The same applies to a Rav and a Talmid.


R. Yonah: Poverty and the need to take from others is dishonor for a person. It brings him to supplicate and lower himself to people and flatter them. Fear of people and flattery is lowliness of Nefesh.


Malbim: If the Oni will speak supplications, the Ashir will answer and subdue audacity. Even though his nature is brazen, he will subdue his nature 1 to fulfill the Oni's supplications.


I do not understand how he explains "v'Ashir Ya'aneh Azos" to mean that he suppresses his audacity. (PF)


What do we learn from "v'Ashir Ya'aneh Azos"?


Sanhedrin 44a: This refers to Yehoshua, who spoke brazenly - "v'Lo Ho'alnu va'Neshev b'Ever ha'Yarden."


R. Yonah: Also wealth brings a person to lowliness - he increases audacity, and is not ashamed to speak harshly. He becomes stubborn and disgraces those who disagree with him - "Chacham b'Einav Ish Ashir" (28:11). Even when he realizes [that the other says] the Emes, he is not humbled to admit to him. He hardens his Ru'ach to stand by his words. Both poverty and wealth bring to ignominy and sin - "Reish va'Osher Al Titen Li" (30:8).


Sha'arei Teshuvah 1:29: An Ashir speaks oppositely to a Shafal - "v'Shafalta me'Eretz Tedaberi ume'Afar Tishach Imrasech" (Yeshayah 29:4).


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Azus DH ha'Az): Audacity brings a person to embarrass his colleague and Aniyim.

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