
What do we learn from "Ocher Beiso Botze'a Batza"?


Rashi: One who takes unjust gain, he troubles his house.


R. Yonah: This is the ultimate coveting.


Malbim: One who profits in a way that is not straight, he should not think that this gain will increase his house's honor. Just the contrary, he troubles his house - "Hoy Botze'a Batza Ra l'Veiso"; "Ki Even mi'Kir Tiz'Yakov" (Chabakuk 2:9, 11).


What is the consequence of "v'Sonei Matanos Yichyeh"?


Chulin 44b #1: A Chacham (who does not needs a Siman to get back his Aveidah) is one who rules that his own animal is Tereifah (amidst doubt). He fulfills "v'Sonei Matanos Yichyeh." (He does not seek pretexts to save his own. Surely he does not desire others' money!)


Chulin 44b #2:

R. Elazar would not accept gifts or invitations from the Nasi's house, for this reason.


Bava Basra 13b 2

: If one partner wants to divide, and says 'take the larger [field or house

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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