
What do we learn from "Tov Lehodos la'Shem"?


Radak (1, citing Shocher Tov): Adam was created on Erev Shabbos, sinned, was cursed, and was expelled from Gan Eden. Hashem came to give to him the verdict that he will die; Shabbos entered, and removed it 1 . Adam thanked Shabbos, and sang Shirah to it. Shabbos said, do you thank me?! I and you must thank Hashem - "Tov Lehodos la'Shem."


Radak: Shabbos is better to Hashem 2 than the other days, for man is free from his worldly engagements, and his Neshamah is clear from bodily distractions, and engages in Chachmah and Avodas Hashem.


Radak (91:1, citing Shocher Tov): This shows that Moshe said this corresponding to his Brachah of Yehudah, about whom it says "ha'Pa'am Odeh Es Hashem" (Bereishis 29:35).


Malbim: This refers to conduct via Hashgachah.


Shocher Tov: Shabbos complained - man was not punished during the six days of creation. Will You start his punishment on Shabbos?!


How does this explain "Tov Lehodos la'Shem"? Perhaps he means that Shabbos is the best day to thank Hashem. (PF)


Why does it say "u'Lezamer l'Shimcha Elyon"?


Radak: The Neshamah Elyonah finds place to praise You, for You are Elyon.


Malbim: This refers to general conduct via nature. Shimcha ha'Elyon was publicized among the Goyim - they call him the G-d of gods, and He is Elyon (supreme) over all of them.

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