
How is Hashem unlike the other gods?


Radak: It is like Moshe said "u'Mi Goy Gadol Asher Elokim Kerovim Elav ka'Shem Elokeinu b'Chol Kar'enu Elav" (Devarim 4:7). The gods are the sun, moon and stars. Those who serve them think that they can save one who screams to them. Even though they have authority over lower beings, none of them are like You. They are messengers, and You send them; they can do or destroy only like they are commanded.


Malbim: Among the idolaters were groups who denied His conduct. They said that even though He created the world, He handed over running it to other powers - spheres, stars, etc. However, they admit that no god judges and conducts like You. You are the supreme Conductor, and all receive their power from You.


How are Hashem's deeds unlike others'?


Rashi citing Shocher Tov: (People build first below, and after above.) You build the upper before the lower - "Bereishis Bara Elokim Es ha'Shamayim v'Es ha'Aretz" (Bereishis 1:1).


Radak: You do actions, and made all created beings. You can make or destroy [as You want], and they do only according to Your command.


Malbim: [Among the idolaters] were groups who said that many acted to create the world; there were many causes. However, they admit that there are no deeds like Yours (You created everything by Yourself).

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