
What is the meaning of "Yecharsemenah"?


Rashi: This is like a field that Karsemuha Nemalim (Pe'ah 2:7); it is an expression of cutting off. Radak - Chaf and Kuf are pronounced from the same place (so they are interchangeable).


Radak: Targum Yerushalmi of "Ki Yachselenu ha'Arbeh" (Devarim 28:38; finishing off) is Arei Yecharsem Yase Gova.


What is "Chazir mi'Ya'ar"?


Rashi: It is Esav - "Achlah u'Madeka u'Sh'ara b'Ragleha Rafsah" (Daniel 7:7). A pig has some Simanim of Taharah (split hooves) - also Esav has merit of [two of] the Avos. Radak, from Shocher Tov - a pig spreads its hooves so say that it is Tahor. So Esav builds courthouses from what they steal and extort, and they judge the robbers and extortionists, to say that they are true judges. One judge judged witches, murderers and adulterers in one day, and he told his duke that he did all three sins that night.


Radak: It and Ziz Sadai are metaphors for the other nations, which consume Yisrael with the entire mouth.


Malbim: It is those who destroy lands - Nebuchadnetzar and his officers. They totally ruined the vine.


Why is the Ayin in "mi'Ya'ar" suspended?


Kidushin 30a: It is the middle letter of Tehilim 1 .


Rashi from Shocher Tov]: It is suspended (as if it is an Aleph). If Yisrael merit, Esav their enemy becomes like Chayas ha'Ye'or (of the river), which cannot alight on the land. When punishments are decreed on them, it overpowers like a forest beast, which destroys and kills.


Radak citing Shocher Tov: If Yisrael merit, [their enemy] is like a pig mi'Ye'or (of the river 2 ), which has no power on the land. So their enemies will not rule over them. If not, it is like a forest beast.


The Gemara did not say that this is why it is suspended. However, the Gemara said also that the Vav of "Gachon" is the middle letter of the Torah. It is about 5000 letters after the middle letter! Daf Al ha'Daf (citing R. Y. Alter) says that it is the middle of the special letters. Similarly, the Ayin of "mi'Ya'ar" is the middle special letter of Tehilim.


Chulin 127a: Everything on the land, there is [a corresponding fish] in the sea, except for a weasel.


What is "v'Ziz Sadai"?


Rashi: It is all that creeps in the field. Ziz is like Zaz - it moves from its place.


Radak #1: This is like v'Ziz Sadeh. It is an encompassing term for wilderness beasts.


Radak #2: Refer to 80:14:2:2.


Radak #3: It is Yishmael. They and Esav (Chazir) rule over Yisrael.


Radak citing Vayikra Rabah 22:10: It is a giant bird. When it spreads its wings, it darkens the sun (blocks most of its light) - "hami'Binasecha Ya'aver Netz Yifros Kenafav l'Seiman" (Iyov 39:26). It is called Ziz, for it has all tastes - mi'Zeh umi'Zeh.


What is the meaning of "Yir'enah"?


Rashi: It grazes on its leaves and branches, and eats them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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