
What should be better to Hashem?


Rashi: My Tefilah.


Radak #1: My song of praise to Hashem.


Radak #2: The Todah mentioned in verse 31, i.e. verbal thanks.


Malbim: My praise of Hashem will be better in His eyes than the bull that I will offer for a Todah, which has horns and a hoof.


Why does it say "mi'Shor Par"?


Rashi (from Rosh Hashanah 26a): It is the ox that Adam ha'Rishon offered - it was created in its adult height. The day that it was called a Shor, he offered it. A one-day old is called a Shor - "Shor


I do not know their source. The Gemara learns oppositely from a verse (refer to 69:32:2:1)! Indeed, Radak distinguishes this from the Par of the Torah (refer to 69:32:4:2). However, after saying that it will be better than the bigger ox, why does it say "and from the smaller"? (PF)


Why is it written Makran, and we pronounce it Makrin?


Radak, citing Shabbos 28b: The Kesiv hints to only one horn. Adam ha'Rishon offered a bull (refer to 69:32:2:1) with one horn.


What do we learn from "Makrin Mafris"?


Rashi: Its horns preceded Parsosav (its hooves). It was created in its height, and its head emerged first from the ground, the way all are born (head first).


Radak: This refers to Par, which has horns and strong hooves. Before it has horns, its hooves are soft. Before this, it is not Kosher for a Korban. The Par mentioned in the Torah for a Korban must be three years old.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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