
What is the meaning of "Zos Haysah Li"?


Rashi (from Avodah Zarah 44a): A crown that fits me 1 . It is testimony for me and my seed who are proper to rule.


Radak: This knowledge and Hashgachah was a gift from You.


Malbim: The wonders and Hashgachah Pratis were for me.


Rashi (Sanhedrin 21b): A gold rod went from one end of the crown to the other; it fits only one who has a crevice in his head.


Why does it say "Ki Fikudecha Notzarti"?


Rashi (from Avodah Zarah 44a), Radak, Malbim: This [testimony, gift or wonders and Hashgachah - refer to 119:56:1:1-3) was a reward for guarding Your Mitzvos. Radak - the reward of a Mitzvah is a Mitzvah (Avos 4:2).

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