
What do we learn from "Kos Yeshu'os Esa"?


Brachos 51b: One lifts the cup of Birkas ha'Mazon a Tefach above the ground.


Rashi: I will bring Nesachim for the Korbanos Todah that I vowed, and on that cup I will call in Your name for this salvation. A Levi says Shirah only over wine (Erchin 11a).


Radak #1: Some say that Kos is portion, like "Menas Chelki v'Chosi" (16:5).


Radak #2: We can explain simply - when I will make a festive meal, I will raise a cup of wine and thank Him over it in front of many. I will mention His salvation of me. That cup is called Kos Yeshu'os.


Why does it say "uv'Shem Hashem Ekra"?


Refer to 116:4:1:1.


Radak: This is just like I did amidst affliction (verse 4).


Malbim: The primary good that Hashem saved me is not life, rather, that now I can thank Him - "Ki Tov Chasdecha me'Chayim Sefasai Yeshabechunecha" (63:4).

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