
Who waved the above listed sections of the Korban Milu'im?


Rashi: Moshe (the Kohen) placed his hands underneath those of Aharon and his sons (the owners), and they waved them together.


What procedure did the Tenufah and the Terumah (mentioned in Pasuk 27) follow?


Rashi: They waved them in all four directions (Tenufah), 1 and up and down (Terumah).


See Sifsei Chachamim.


What purpose did the Tenufah and the Terumah serve?


Rashi: The Tenufah was to acknowledge that all four directions belong to Hashem - thereby preventing all forms of punishment that is caused by harmful winds; and the Terumah to acknowledge that Heaven and earth belong to Hashem - thereby preventing harmful dews.


Seforno: They served as an acknowledgement that the parts of the Korbanos which the Kohanim received 1 were a gift from Hashem's Table. 2


Though it is not clear why the Torah then includes the right calf and the three loaf (all of which were burned on the Mizbe'ach) in the Tenufah? (See Seforno).


Insinuating that Kohanim are Hashem's guests.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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