
What are the implications of "Vayasem Lifneihem .eis Kol ha'Devarim ha'Eileh"?


Ramban: 'This is wsas what I am placing before you today. 1 Choose whether you wasnt to accept it or not'. 2


Oznayim la'Torah (citing the Yalkut Shim'oni): 'Place before them and enlighten them (make it clear to them)'. 3


Ramban: A similar format to Nitzavim, Devarim, 39:15 and Mishpatim, 21:1. See Ramban.


Ramban: And indeed they replied "Kol asher Diber Hashem Na'aseh!"


Oznayim la'Torah: As in Mishpatim, 21:1 Mishpatim, 21:1. This is similar to the explanation of R. Sa'adya Gaon, who cites Vayeilech, 31:19 "Simah be'Fihem", cited by the Ramban.

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