
Remarkably, at this point, Pharaoh's servants begged him to change his stance and send out the Bnei Yisrael. Why specifically now?


Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 33, p. 126): Conceptually, the ten Makos can be divided into sets of seven and three. 1 Hashem punishes sinners in sets of seven Makos (see Vayikra 26:18). Then, the last three were even more severe -- they were tantamount to death. 2 With the stakes so high, Pharaoh's servants brazenly challenged him.


Refer to 7:14:7:2, and its note about the Makos' connection to the ten Sefiros.


See 10:17.


Why was Pharaoh receptive only now? What is the difference between the words of Pharaoh's servants, and Hashem, who also used the expression "Ad Masai ... " (in 10:3)?


Oznayim la'Torah: The difference lies in the continuation of their respective statements - "Ad Masai Me'anta Le'anos mi'Panai" (10:3, said by Hashem); and "Ad Masai Yih'yeh Zeh Lanu l'Mokesh" (Pharaoh's servants). Hashem was demanding that they fear Him, whereas they were expressing their fear of the Makos.


What is the meaning of "Ki Avedah Mitzrayim"?


Targum Yonasan and Riva: It means that Egypt will be destroyed. 1


Riva: The Torah also refers to the future in the past tense in Parshas Vayechi, "u'Moladta Asher Holadta Achareihem" (Bereishis 48:6).

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