
Who will stone them, and why?


Radak: The congregation of nations will stone them, like the law of adulterers. The Mashal is the bulwark that they built against the city.


Malbim: They will sentence them to the four Misos Beis Din. The verse mentions stoning, the sword and burning 1 . It did not need to mention choking, for Stam Misah in the Torah is choking; it is the most lenient, and it is known that it is the punishment for adultery 2 .


He must hold that "Bateihen" refers to people. (PF)


According to Torah law, we can say that stoning is for adultery with Na'arah Me'urasah, the sword is for murder, and burning is for adultery of a Bas Kohen. (PF)


What is the meaning of "u'Varei Os'hen b'Charvosam"?


Rashi: They will be killed via the sword; this is a murderer's sentence. "U'Varei" is an expression of cutting, like "Har Yihyeh Lach? u'Vereso" (Yehoshua 17:18). Radak ? the Goyim will cut them with their swords; also Yonason translates so. The singular is used, for the Klal.


Why will their children be killed?


Rashi: This is the law of adulterers 1 .


I.e. the children will be killed for their own adultery. (PF)


Why will their houses be burned?


Rashi: This is the law of adulterers 1 .


This is not Torah law [unless Bateihen refers to Eenos Kohanim]! Perhaps this was Kasdim's law. This requires investigation. (PF)

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