
How will He put His face on them?


Malbim: He is prepared to punish them with His Hashgachah.


What is the meaning of "meha'Esh Yatza'u veha'Esh Tochelem"?


Bava Basra 79a: Anyone who separates from Divrei Torah, fire consumes him.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They transgressed Divrei Torah that were given amidst fire, and nations strong like fire will destroy them.


Malbim: Those who remained in the days of Tzidkiyah, they already came out of the fire. They are not proper for another craft, only to return them to the fire, until the fire will totally consume them. Via this, I will gain two matters. (a) They will know that I am Hashem when I put My face on them, and punish through Hashgachah. (b) Refer to 15:8:1:1.

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