
Why does it mention converts?


Radak: Some of the Kasdim converted after Yisrael were exiled among them. They saw that Elokei Yisrael among them is Elokei Emes, and He brought against them everything that He said when the abandoned His Torah.


What is the meaning of "u'Va El ha'Navi Lidrash Lo Vi"?


Radak: He seeks the Navi due to Me, that I should grant his request.


Malbim: They come to the Navi to ask Me, to know the future.


What do we learn from "Ani Hashem Na'aneh Lo Bi"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: [If he asks the Navi what I said,] I will seek him.


Radak: I, Hashem, will answer him due to My name, in order to reveal what is hidden in his evil heart. I will not grant his request, rather, the opposite of it. "I will put My face against him" (8)!


Malbim: It seems to him that he engages in Me, to know the future via Me, and not to heed My words and repent from his sins, for his idols are still on his heart.

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