
Whom does he tell to hear Devar Hashem?


Radak: The good ones, who fear Hashem.


Who are "Rodefei Tzedek Mevakshei Hashem"?


Malbim: Rodefei Tzedek pursue proper conduct Bein Adam l'Chavero 1 . Mevakshei Hashem refers to conduct Bein Adam la'Makom.


Malbim says that Tzedek refers to conduct Bein Adam la'Makom; Tzedakah applies to Bein Adam la'Makom (e.g. 1:27). (PF)


What is "[Habitu El] Tzur Chutzavtem"?


Rashi, Radak: The rock from which You were hewn, i.e. Avraham.


Radak citing R. Moshe ben Ezra: Refer to 51:1:4:4.


Malbim: Even though you are a minority, both among your nation, who are mostly Resha'im, and among the world (most are Nochrim), do not fear. Beis Yisrael will be built from you, just like it was from Avraham, who was an individual in his generation. He publicized Emunah and people of his generation pursued him, and he was father to a multitude of nations.


What do we learn from "[Habitu El Tzur Chutzavtem] v'El Makeves Bor Nukartem"?


Yevamos 64a-b: Avraham and Sarah were Tumtumim (their genitals were initially covered 1 ).


Rashi: Makeves is a [shovel] used to carve out pits. Nukartem is [creviced, like] "b'Nikras ha'Tzur" (Shemos 33:22). The pit is Sarah.


Radak: A woman's womb is compared to a pit. Makeves is carving out the pit. It is as if it says Bor Nekuvah she'Nukartem Bah Mimenah. Nukartem is like "ha'Einei ha'Anashim ha'Hem Tenaker" (Bamidbar 16:14).


Radak citing R. Moshe ben Ezra: The rock is Sarah, for she is passive. Makeves is Avraham; he is the Kli that acts on the rock.


Malbim: If a stone was hewn from a big rock, and one wants to know whether it was hewn from this rock, there are two tests. (a) The part resembles the whole qualitatively, in color and hardness. (b) Quantitatively - if the stone is placed in the cavity from where it was hewn, if it fills it exactly, it is known that it was taken from there. Regarding qualitative resemblance, it says Habitu El Tzur Chutzavtem; this resemblance is with any rock [of that type]. Regarding quantitative resemblance, it says [Habitu


Kli Paz: Hashem tore the covering; this enabled them to beget children.

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