
Why does it say "v'Atah Odi'ah"?


Rashi (7) #1: I will inform what was proper in My eyes, and I did so.


Rashi (7) #2: I will inform you (Yerushalayim and Yehudah) that also you anger Me.


Malbim: After clarifying in front of the judges that the vineyard sinned against itself, He informs the punishment that He will inflict.


What is the meaning of "Haser Mesukaso"?


Rashi: Remove the fence that covers and protects on it. Mesukah is a fence of thorns; Geder is a stone wall. Radak - This is like "ki'Msukas Chadek" (Mishlei 15:19). The fence of thorns is outside the stone wall, for extra protection. Without it, a person can enter with difficulty. Malbim - a fence of thorns is put on top of the stone wall, lest animals jump on the wall. First He will remove the fence of thorns, "v'Hayah Leva'er" (Behemos will consume the vineyard); refer to 5:5:4:1.


Rashi (7) #1: I expelled Adam from his Chupos.


Rashi (7) #2: I will remove my Shechinah from them, which covers them - "va'Ygal Es Masach Yehudah" (52:8).


What is the meaning of "v'Hayah Leva'er"?


Rashi: Behemos and Chayos will graze in the vineyard.


Rashi (7): In the end Adam will die, and evil Chayos will rule over him.


Radak: It will be for food. This is like "u'Vi'er bi'Sdeh Acher" (Shemos 22:4). After the stone wall is breached, Chayos and Behemos trample [the vineyard]. The Nimshal of the wall and fence is Hashem's protection; it will be removed from them, and the other nations will rule over them - "v'Histarti Panai Mehem v'Hayah Le'echol" (Devarim 31:17).


Malbim citing Yerushalmi Bava Kama 1:1: "Haser Mesukaso v'Hayah Leva'er" is Shen (animals damage via eating).


Why does it say "Parotz Gedero v'Hayah l'Mirmas"?


Rashi (7) #1: I expelled Adam from within the confines of Gan Eden.


Rashi (7) #2: I will destroy his walls.


Malbim: Remove the fence of thorns. He will breach the stone wall, and the vineyard will be Hefker (anyone can enter).


Malbim citing Yerushalmi Bava Kama 1:1: This refers to Regel (animals damage via walking). The Nimshal is, when Hashem removes His Hashgachah Pratis that hovers over them to protect them from natural mishaps, He will also weaken their natural strength, via which they are guarded from all afflicters and enemies.

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