
What does this Nevu'ah discuss?


Rashi: It is about the multitudes of Gog and Magog - "Paras Kush u'Fut Atem" (Yechezkel 38:5). Radak - after mentioning the salvation in the days of Chizkiyah, it mentions the great salvation to come in the days of Mashi'ach.


Malbim: This explains the Mashal before this; the multitude of nations is the hot land on the other side of the rivers of Kush 1 , i.e. Eretz Ashur 2 .


This Kush is in Asia. There is another Kush that borders Egypt - refer to Shemos 7:27:151:1*. (PF)


Malbim: Even though Chazal expounded that it refers to Gog and Magog, all the prophecies for the future redemption began in the days of Chizkiyah, just they were not fulfilled then (refer to 11:1:1:1*)..


What is the meaning of "Hoy Eretz Tziltzal Kenafayim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They come to [the land] in boats from a far land, and their sails are spread like a Nesher, which flies with its wings. Radak - it is called "Tziltzal Kenafayim" due to the many boats. When the sails are spread they resemble wings, and they travel via them, like a bird flies with its wings, and the sails make shade.


Rashi: Because they dwell in the east, and the land is hot, birds gather there, and it is buzzing with [the sound of] birds' wings.


Radak: The verse calls out to the land on the other side of the rivers of Kush.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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