
Moshe said "Ha'azinu ha'Shamayim


Rashi (from Sifri Ha'azinu 306): Witnesses' testimonies are valid only if they match. Moshe called to Heaven with Ha'azanah and to the earth with Shemi'ah. They do not match. 1 Therefore, Yeshayah called each with the other expression, so now they were invited to be witnesses with the same expressions 2 .


Radak, Targum Yonasan (Devarim 32:1): 'Ha'azanah' applies to someone near, and 'Shemi'ah' to one who is far away. Yeshayah, who was closer to the earth than to the heaven, ascribed Ha'azanah to the earth and Shemi'ah to the heaven, whereas Moshe 3 called out as the Torah states here because he was closer to the heaven.


Hadar Zekenim (Devarim 32:1): Yeshayah switched the expressions to show that they are the same.


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim (32:1): Both Moshe and Yeshayah called to Heaven in the plural, and to the land in the singular. This teaches that the higher beings (angels) exceed the lower beings. Perhaps this is why the word Shamayim is plural!


Indeed, witnesses' testimony must match. Why must they be summonsed to be witnesses with the same expression?! If one said 'Yakov, see that he admits to me', and 'David, hear his admission', do they not join?! (PF)


Hadar Zekenim (32:1): Hashem's honor is in Heaven, and He is closer, therefore


Why did he [and Moshe - Devarim 32:1] call to Shamayim va'Aretz?


Radak: They are witnesses between Hashem and Yisrael - "v'A'idah Bam Es ha'Shamayim v'Es ha'Aretz" (Devarim 31:28). They were made witnesses, for they exist forever, but the generations pass. Or, if Yisrael transgress the Bris, Shamayim will not give its [rain and] dew, and the land will not give its produce.


Malbim: They are the most known matters that exist forever. They should hear Hashem's quarrel with His nation.


Why does it say "Ki Hashem Diber"?


Rashi: They should be witnesses. I (Hashem) warned [Yisrael, in front of Shamayim and Eretz] in the days of Moshe. Come and hear My dispute with them. They transgressed the warning; I did not sin with them. "I raised and elevated them"!


Rashi (from Mechilta Bo 12): You will be witnesses to the matter. Hashem spoke "Ha'azinu ha'Shamayim va'Adaberah" (Devarim 32:1).


Radak: What I say are the words of Hashem, who sent me. He screams about his children.


Malbim: Since He spoke, who will not hear?! Hashem words are until verse 4.


Why does it say "Gidalti v'Romamti"?


Rashi: Refer to 1:2:3:1.


Radak: I elevated them above every nation. The expression is doubled to strengthen the matter in different words. Verses do this often.


Radak citing his father: I raised them in My Torah, and elevated them with My Shechinah.


Malbim: A son should honor his father even if the father did not do not anything for him just he raised him like a foster parent, and all the more so if he elevated him above his other sons. Then, he must thank him doubly. They did not - they sinned against me!


What is "Pash'u Vi"?


Radak: They rebelled against Me, and transgressed My Bris to anger Me. Some recognize and deny, and some do not recognize. Refer to 1:3:1:3.

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