
Why does it say "Ish Al Re'ehu"?


Radak: This is like Ish Al Re'ehu. Also "va'Yelech Elkanah ha'Ramasah Al Beiso" (Shmuel I, 2:11) is like El Beiso.


What is the meaning of "Mah Anah Hashem"?


Radak: This is like Mah Diber Hashem 1 . The same applies to "v'Anisa v'Amarta" (Devarim 26:5) and the first "va'Ya'an Iyov" (Iyov 3:2).


Malbim: This refers to Hashem's answer to a Navi's question. "Mah Diber Hashem" (written after this) applies when Hashem began the Dibur.


Even though those are the next words in the verse, Radak holds that verses often repeat matters in different words to strengthen the matter. (PF)

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