
Who were the four men?


Rashi (from Sanhedrin 107b): They were Gechazi and his three sons. Malbim - Elisha healed the other Metzora'im. He healed Na'aman (a Nochri), and all the more so [Yisrael] Metzora'im 1 ! Also the girl who told Na'aman about Elisha, surely she knew that he normally cured people!


What is his Kal v'Chomer? A Yisrael should understand that Tzara'as is a punishment; when he repents, he will be cured! (PF)


Why were they at the opening of the gate?


Rashi: "Badad Yeshev mi'Chutz la'Machaneh Moshavo" 1 (Vayikra 13:46). Radak - they would normally be [just] outside the city.


Malbim (citing Kelim 1:7): This forbids them to be in a walled city. (Really, "Badad Yeshev" also forbids Metzora'im to dwell together (Zevachim 117a)! - PF)


What is the meaning of "Ad Masnu"?


Radak: It is like Ad Asher Masnu (until we will die).

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