
Whose widow was this?


Rashi: It was Ovadyah's widow. Radak - Targum of Tosefta says that she screamed 265 times like this, and did not know what to do, until she went to his grave, and screamed


Why did she say that her husband died?


Malbim: If one leaves a virtuous son in his place, 'Misah' is not written about him. If the creditor will take his sons, Misah will apply to him!


Why did she mention that her husband feared Hashem?


Malbim: (a) Because he feared Hashem [and borrowed in order to feed Nevi'ei Hashem], this is why the creditor is coming to take his sons. (b) Something that a Tzadik always toiled for to save others, his seed should not stumble in it, like it says about the daughter of Nechunya the pit digger (Yevamos 121b). Also, "v'Lo Ra'isi Tzadik Ne'ezav v'Zar'o Mevakesh Lachem" (Tehilim 37:25).


Who was the creditor?


Rashi citing Tanchuma Ki Sisa 5: It was Yehoram ben Achav. Ovadyah borrowed from him, with Ribis, in order to feed the Nevi'im that he hid from Izevel. 1 This is why Yehoram was stricken between his arms (9:24), which he stretched out to take Ribis. Radak citing Shemos Rabah 31:4 - one who takes Ribis "Lo Yichyeh" (Yechezkel 18:13), so it was decreed that Yehu kill him. The arrow pierced his heart, since he hardened his heart to take Ribis.


Midrash ha'Gadol (Chayei Sarah 23:1): She said, are you not among the Bnei ha'Nevi'im that my husband hid?!

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