
What are the connotations of the unusual word, "va'Yenahalem [ba'Lechem]"?


Seforno, Ramban (to 47:18): He provided them with their minimal needs, and no more. 1


Seforno: In keeping with the Gemara in Ta'anis 11a, that someone who goes hungry in the time of famine, spares himself a horrible death. Indeed, the medical experts say that satiating oneself after going hungry brings on fatal illness.


Which year does "that year" refer to?


Rashi, Ramban: The first year of the famine; refer to 47:13:1:1. Alternatively, when the famine resumed after Yaakov's passing; refer to 47:12:1:3.


Seforno: It refers to the sixth year of the famine. 1


See also Rashi and to Seforno to 47:18; and refer to 47:18:1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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