
Is there additional significance to the name Menasheh (above what Yosef said)?


Oznayim la'Torah: Following his release from prison and relishing his new-found freedom, he named his first son in acknowledgement of the troubles that he had left behind - both in Egypt and at the hand of his brothers while still in his father's house.


Malbim (to 41:52): One should not forget days of affliction at a time of good. This is why we eat Matzah and bitter herbs on Pesach night, to recall the exile at the time of freedom. Yosef was worried and pained that he had forgotten his toil and his father's house.


Ha'amek Davar: He thanked Hashem for making him forget his harsh, disgraceful toil, and that he did not long to return to his father's house, for then he could not have performed his great deeds. 1 He did not inform his father, for his dreams were like a prophecy; he could not do anything that would cause them to be Batel. 2 That would be like a prophet who negates his own prophecy.


Bereishis Rabah (79:5): He forgot his Torah. "Amali" is Torah - "Nefesh Amel Amelah Lo" (Mishlei 16:26).


In addition to saving the food, perhaps he already planned to sell it during the famine according to ability to pay, and to make the Egyptians circumcise, to curb their lust (refer to 41:55:3:1 and the notes there). (PF)


Refer to 42:9:4:1 and 42:9:5:1, and the notes there.

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