
What is the significance of the Name "Kel Shakai"?


Rashi #1: That the Berachos belong to Hashem, and that He has the wherewithal to bless. 1


Rashi #2 (to Shemos 32:13) and Seforno: Hashem actually swore to Yaakov by this Name. 2


Chagigah 12a: Ha'Kadosh-Baruch-Hu said, 'I am the One who said to My world, 'Enough' (Dai)!' 3


Malbim: It represents hidden miracles and conducting through Hashgachah.


Ha'amek Davar (to 28:3): Hashem said "Dai" - the world is [big] enough for the revelation of His honor, which is the purpose of creation. Hashem appeared to Yaakov with this name, for it will be fulfilled through him.


See also Ba'al ha'Turim.


Rashi: In fact, Hashem swore to all the Avos that their numbers would increase, and the Shevu'ah to Yaakov is located here. (Refer to 35:12:1:1).


Also refer to 17:1:2.


Is "Prei u'Revei" a command, or a blessing?


Seforno: It is a command. Rashi says that Hashem swore to Yaakov. This was lest Yaakov refrain amidst fear that the nations of the world will destroy his children.


Ibn Ezra: It is a Berachah, 1 like in Ma'aseh Bereishis (1:28). 2


Rashi: It was fulfilled through the birth of Binyamin, even though Rachel was already pregnant with him. Malbim - it was fulfilled through Efrayim and Menasheh, who are considered like sons of Yaakov, but not through Binyamin, for Rachel was already pregnant with him.


There is a parallel discussion as to whether "Peru u'Revu" addressed to Noach after the Mabul, was a command or a blessing. Refer to 9:7:1.1:1.


Who are the 'Goy,' 'Kehal Goyim,' and the 'Melachim' to whom Hashem refers?


Rashi #1 (from Bereishis Rabah 82:4): "Goy" refers to Binyamin, and "Kehal Goyim" to Menasheh and Efrayim (two tribes - from Yosef). 1


Oznayim la'Torah: "Goy u'Kehal Goyim" is a hint that sometimes Yisrael would be one kingdom - in the time of Sha'ul, David and Shlomo and in the era of the second Beis-Hamikdash; and sometimes two - from the time of Rechav'am up until the exile of the Ten Tribes.


Hadar Zekenim #1: "Goy u'Kehal Goyim" hints that his descendants will be like the nations, i.e. the Sanhedrin of 70. 2


Hadar Zekenim #2: "Goy u'Kehal Goyim" hints that his descendants will transgress and offer on Bamos, like Nochrim, in the days of Eliyahu. 3


Rashi #2: It compares Yisrael to the nations of the world, to teach us that seventy descendants would emerge from Yaakov and go down to Egypt, corresponding to the seventy nations of the world.


Rashi #3: It compares Yisrael to the nations to hint to the episode in Melachim, when Eliyahu brought Korbanos on a Bamah like the nations of the world - at a time when Bamos were forbidden.


Refer to 48:4:1:1.


The text of Hadar Zekenim in Tosfos ha'Shalem (5) is clearer.


The text of Hadar Zekenim in Tosfos ha'Shalem (5) is clearer.


What is the significance of "Melachim me'Chalatzecha Yetzei'u"?


Oznayim la'Torah: It is a special Berachah that all kings of Yisrael would come from within their ranks. 1


Rashi (like Rabanan, Bereishis Rabah 82:4): This refers to Shaul and Ish Boshes (who would descend from Binyamin). 2


R. Shmuel bar Nachman (Bereishis Rabah 82:4): The kings are Yarav'am and Yehu. 3


Seforno: "Melachim" means children who are fit to be kings.


Oznayim la'Torah: Unlike many nations who appoint kings from other nations to rule over them - and this in spite of the constant squabbling and division of opinion that existed between them.


See Rashi to Shmuel II 2:8. Avner was punished for making Ish Boshes king, and delaying David's kingship (Sanhedrin 20a)! Riva - he was punished for his intent to embarrass David.


Even though Yosef was already born, the verse considers that Efrayim and Menasheh will come from Yaakov (for they will be considered like two Shevatim); it similarly says that Yarav'am and Yehu (from Efrayim and Menasheh) will come from Yaakov. (PF)



Rashi writes: "Be fruitful and multiply - for Binyamin had not been born yet; although he had already been conceived." How do we know this? Perhaps she had not yet conceived, and they then remained at Beis El for the full term of pregnancy?


Gur Aryeh: Yaakov had been punished for tarrying on the journey (Rashi to 35:1); it is unreasonable that he would remain in Beis El for at least half a year, for no reason. 1


But Yaakov had now fulfilled his vow to offer a Korban in Beis El! Gur Aryeh implies that Yaakov was punished not only for delaying his vow, but for delaying his return to Chevron to honor his parents (see Rashi to 35:22). He would now hurry to continue his journey for the second reason. (CS)


Rashi writes: "'A nation' - [refers to] Binyamin... 'An assembly of nations' [refers to the tribes of] Menashe and Efrayim." Perhaps it implies many nations, not just two?


Gur Aryeh (to 48:4): Do not interpret "an assembly of nations" to mean many tribes; for if so, why would one "nation" be singled out at first? Rather it means, "an assembly which is [comprised of] nations," i.e. two of them. 1


Gur Aryeh is coming to differ with Mizrachi's explanation (ibid).

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