
What is a Kesitah?


Rashi: A Kesitah is a Ma'ah (a small coin). 1


Targum Onkelos: A sheep. 2


Targum Yonasan: A pearl.


Shabbos 33a: When R. Akiva went to Africa, he heard them refer to a 'Ma'ah' as a 'Kesitah.'


Compare Targum Onkelos here, to Targum Onkelos to 21:28.


What is the significance of the fact that Yaakov purchased a portion of field?


Rashi (to Shemos 6:9): Although Hashem had promised him the land, he did not complain when he had to purchase a plot to pitch his tent.


Ramban: Refer to 33:18:2:2. He made a point of owning the portion of land on which he built the Mizbe'ach, since one cannot sing to Hashem and praise Him on foreign soil. 1


Moshav Zekenim: He did not buy everywhere that he pitched his tent. However, here he built a Mizbe'ach; he bought the place lest people destroy the Mizbe'ach afterwards. Other places where the Avos built Mizbechos were Hefker, i.e. desolate mountains. 2


Malbim: He showed that he intended to settle there. He paid a large amount for it!


The Pesukim connote that they built in inhabited places (Shechem, Be'er Sheva)! Ha'amek Davar (to 33:18) says that when Avraham came to Shechem,, it was not a city. Perhaps the same applies the other places. Or, they built on nearby mountains (PF).


What is "Chelkas ha'Sadeh"?


Ha'amek Davar: It is a plain. Even today it is known to be a special [flat] place of Eretz Yisrael, which is [primarily] a land of mountains and valleys.

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