Why did Avraham ask the people to talk to Efron, and not talk to him personally?
Ramban and Seforno: Because Efron was a wealthy dignitary, and it is not correct for a person of such status to sell part of his inheritance. 1
Ohr ha'Chayim (to 23:9): Avraham was concerned that they may contest the sale in the future, saying that a neighbor had prior rights to buy it, or a creditor had a lien on it. He involved the entire city in the sale, so that no-one could protest later.
Malbim: (If I cannot acquire a family burial site, it is not proper burial.) If you want [that I should] bury my dead properly, you will approach Efron, to decide the reason for the custom that only residents may have sites. 2
Ramban and Seforno: As Navos informed Achav, (Melachim I 21:3).
Malbim: (a) If it was enacted to give precedence to residents to buy land, it is only for sales; but one may give a gift to whoever he wants. (b) If it is to honor the esteemed residents over visitors, it applies even to a gift.
What are the connotations of "Im Yesh Es Nafshechem"?
Rashi (to Iyov 6:11): It means 'your desire' 1 or 'with your knowledge' 2 - It is an expression of desire and satisfaction from which the soul benefits.
Ohr ha'Chayim: (There are two ways to explain why you called me "Nesi E-lokim;" refer to 23:6:1:6; and refer to 23:6:1:7.) If you [esteem me, and] want [that I bury my dead, you will approach Efron].
Malbim: (If I cannot acquire a family burial site, it is not proper burial.) If you want [that I should] bury my dead properly, you will approach Efron, to decide the reason for the custom that only residents may have sites. 3
Rashi: As in Mishlei 13:2.
See Avodah Zarah 27a.
Malbim: (a) If it was enacted to give precedence to residents to buy land, it is only for sales; but one may give a gift to whoever he wants. (b) If it is to honor the esteemed residents over visitors, it applies even to a gift.
Why did Avraham specifically ask for Efron?
Ramban: Because he knew about the Me'aras ha'Machpelah in the corner of Efron's property. 1 Moreover, it was not used as a burial plot, but was just part of his field.
Malbim: Efron was the judge, and could decide the reason for the custom (refer to 23:8:1.1:3*).
Refer to 18:7:1:2*; refer to 23:9:151:1.
Why did Avraham essentially repeat "Likbor Es Mesi mi'Lefanai" (already expressed in 23:4)?
Ha'amek Davar: Aside from my honor, be concerned for my pain. I can remove myself from my Mes only like I say!