
What caused Avimelech and Pichol to proclaim that HaSh-m was with Avraham in all his endeavors?


Rashi: The fact that a) he emerged from the area of Sedom unscathed, b) the four kings fell into his hands and c) his wife bore him a son in his old age. 1


Seforno and Rashbam: They came to make a covenant with him due to the miracles that Avraham had experienced, out of the awe they felt towards him; not because they were afraid of Avraham's strength and his wealth.


Gur Aryeh: If so, why did they reach this conclusion only now? This was the third salvation that HaSh-m had granted Avraham, which created a Chazakah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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