
USES OF TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 11 Halachah 5 Daf 57b)

îùðä ëøùéðé úøåîä îàëéìéï àåúï ìáäîä åìçéä åìúøðâåìéï


(Mishnah): One may feed vetch (a type of animal fodder) of Terumah - to his animal, beast or bird.

éùøàì ùùëø ôøä îëäï îàëéìä ëøùéðé úøåîä åëäï ùùëø ôøä îéùøàì àò''ô ùîæåðåúéä òìéå ìà éàëéìðä ëøùéðé úøåîä


If a Yisrael hired a cow from a Kohen, he may feed it vetch of Terumah. And if a Kohen hired a cow from a Yisrael, even though he is required to feed it, he may not feed it vetch of Terumah.

éùøàì ùùí ôøä îëäï ìà éàëéìðä ëøùéðé úøåîä åëäï ùùí ôøä îéùøàì îàëéìä ëøùéðé úøåîä.


If a Yisrael evaluates a Kohen's cow before borrowing it (taking full responsibility for anything that befalls it and accepting to return it at its current value), he may not feed it vetch of Terumah. If a Kohen evaluates a Yisrael's cow before borrowing it, he may feed it vetch of Terumah.

[ãó ÷ä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îãìé÷éï ùîï ùøéôä ááúé ëðñéåú åááúé îãøùåú åáîáåàåú àôéìéï åòì âáé äçåìéí áøùåú ëäï


One may light Terumah Temeyah in synagogues, study halls, dark alleyways and over the heads of the sick when there is a Kohen there (who would derive benefit from it).

áú éùøàì ùðùàú ìëäï åäéà ìéîåãä ìáà àöì àáéä àáéä îãìé÷ áøùåúä


If the daughter of a Yisrael married a Kohen and she regularly goes to her father's house, her father may light for her Terumah Temeyah oil.

îãìé÷éï ááéú äîùúä àáì ìà ááéú äàáì ãáøé ø' éäåãä


(R. Yehuda): One may light it at a banquet but not in a house of mourning.

ø' éåñé àåîø ááéú äàáì àáì ìà ááéú äîùúä


(R. Yosi): In a house of mourning but not at a banquet.

ø' îàéø àåñø ëàï åëàï åø''ù îúéø ëàï åëàï:


R. Meir prohibits both and R. Shimon permits both.

âîøà îðééï ìôøúå ùì ëäï ùäéúä ùåîà àöì éùøàì ùàéðä îàëéìä áúøåîä ú''ì åëäï ëé é÷ðä ÷ðéï ëñôå åâå' éëåì ìà éàëéìðä áëøùéðéï ú''ì äí


(Gemara): What's the source that if a Yisrael evaluated and borrowed a Kohen's cow (taking responsibility for anything that befalls it), he may not feed it vetch of Terumah? The pasuk states (Vayikra 22:11), "And if a Kohen acquires a person, an acquisition through his money, (he may eat from it)''. I might have thought that he cannot feed it Vetch? The pasuk continues, "...and those born in his house) they (may eat of his food).

[ãó ðç òîåã à] àéú úðéé úðà éëåì ìà úàëì áëøùéðéï åáúìúï


Version #2: I might have thought that he cannot feed it vetch or fenugreek....

ø' çæ÷éä øáé éøîéä øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï ìéú ëàï úìúï ãáø úåøä


(R. Chizkiyah/ R. Yirmiyah/ R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): Fenugreek should not be taught there, as it is obligated by the Torah (since it gives flavor to the pot).

ìà ëï úðé îðééï ìëäï ù÷ðä òáã åìéùøàì áå ùåúôåú àôéìå àçã îîàä áå ùàéðå îàëéìå áúøåîä ú''ì åëäï ëé é÷ðä


Question (Baraisa): From where is it known that if a Kohen acquired a slave and a Yisrael has a share in it, even if it's only 1/100th, the Kohen may not feed the slave Terumah? The pasuk states, "And if a Kohen acquires''. (If so, how could our Mishnah teach that if a Kohen merely evaluated and borrowed a Yisrael's cow, he may feed it vetch of Terumah...?)

úðé áø ÷ôøà àçã æå åàçã æå ìà úàëì áúøåîä.


Baraisa (Bar Kapara): Whether a Yisrael borrowed a Kohen's cow or vice-versa, he may not feed it Terumah. (This Baraisa disagrees with our Mishnah.)