
PLANTING WHEN LAND WAS PREPARED IN SHEVIIS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 4 Halachah 2 Daf 10a)

îùðä ùãä ùðú÷ååöä úéæøò ìîåöàé ùáéòéú ùðéèééá' àå ùðéãééøä ìà úæøò ìîåöàé ùáéòéú


(Mishnah): If a field had its thorns removed during Sheviis to prepare it for planting, it may be planted after Sheviis. If it was plowed or a pen was made in it (to fertilize the ground), it may not be planted after Sheviis.

ùãä ùðéèééáä á''ù àåîøéí àéï àåëìéï ôéøåúéä áùáéòéú [ãó ëæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åá''ä àåîøéí àåëìéï


If a field was plowed - Beis Shammai say that one may not eat from its produce (that grew naturally) in Sheviis; Beis Hillel permit it.

á''ù àåîøéí àéï àåëìéï ôéøåú ùáéòéú áèåáä åáéú äìì àåîøéí áèåáä åùìà áèåáä


Beis Shammai say that one may not eat from its produce and have gratitude (to the field owner); Beis Hillel permits it, even with gratitude.

øáé éäåãä àåîø çéìåó äãáøéí æä î÷åìé á''ù åîçåîøé á''ä:


(R. Yehuda): It's the opposite - Beis Shammai are lenient and Beis Hillel are stringent.

âîøà ùãä ùðú÷ååöä ëå' úîï àîøéï áùðéèìå ÷åöéä åøáðï ãäëà àîøéï áùçøéù


(Gemara): "If a field had its thorns removed etc.'' In Bavel they understand the word "Niskavsah'' to mean removing thorns; in Eretz Yisrael they said that it means to plow.

òì ãòúééäå ãøáðï ãäëà àéæäå äèéåá ëì äòí çåøùéï ôòí à' åäåà çåøù ùðé ôòîéí


How do Rabbanan of Eretz Yisrael then understand the second phrase "Nitayvah''? Everyone else usually plows once and he plows twice.

åëà ëï


Question: Did they permit everyone to plow once in Sheviis to remove the thorns?

àîø øáé éåñé á''ø áåï úîï àéï äîìëåú àåðñú áøí äëà äîìëåú àåðñú


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): There (in Bavel), the government aren't forcing them; in Eretz Yisrael, the government are forcing them, so Chazal allowed plowing once.

áøàùåðä ëùäéå äîìëåú àåðñú äåøé øáé éðàé ùéäå çåøùéï çøéùä øàùåðä [ãó ëæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] çã øùéòà äåä )àðé òáø([àéòáø áùîéèä] çîéúåï ãîééï ÷åáòúà àîø ìåï (äàéñèå)[äàñèå] ùøà ìëåï îéøãé ùøà ìëåï ãîééï ÷åáòúä


Originally, when the government was forcing it, R. Yannai instructed that they may do the first plowing. One evildoer worked his field in Sheviis. He saw people removing stones from fields on Sheviis. He said, "Just because they permitted you to plow, does that mean that you can remove stones?''

àîø øáé éò÷á áø æáãé ÷åîé øáé àáäå ìà ëï àîø øáé æòéøà åøáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé øáé éøîéä øáé éåçðï áùí ø''ù áï éåöã÷ ðîðå áòìééú áéú ðúæä áìåã òì ëì äúåøä îðééï àí éàîø òëå''í ìéùøàì ìòáåø òì àçú îëì îöåú äàîåøåú áúåøä çåõ îòáåãä æøä åâéìåé òøéåú åùôéëú ãîéí éòáåø åìà éäøâ


Question (R. Yaakov bar Zavdi to R. Abahu): (Why would the government forcing them allow them to plow?) Didn't R. Zeira and R. Yochanan say in the name of R. Yannai and R. Yirmiyah and R. Yochanan say in the name of R. Shimon ben Yehutzedek that in the attic of the house of Netaza in Lod, they determined - Throughout the Torah, what is the source to say that if an idolater tells a Yisrael to transgress one of the Mitzvos, aside from idolatry, immorality and murder, that he should transgress rather than be killed?

[ãó ëç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äãà ãúéîø áéðå ìáéï òöîå àáì áøáéí àôéìå îöåä ÷ìä ìà éùîò ìå ëâåï ìåìéðåñ åôôåñ àçéå ùðúðå ìäí îéí áëìé æëåëéú öáåòä åìà ÷éáìå îäï


Conclusion of question: This is referring to when he spoke to him privately, but if it was in public, even for a lenient Mitzvah, he should not agree to transgress. For example, Lulainus and his brother Papus were given a colored glass utensil from which to drink (which was the custom of idolaters) and they refused it. (If so, how could R. Yannai permit plowing, if the government made a public decree?)

àîø ìà îúëåéï îùîãúëåï åìà àéúëååéï àìà îéâáé àøðåðéï


Answer: The law that one must lay down one's life rather than transgress was only said about a decree of religious persecution. Here, they only intended to charge taxes.

ëîä äí øáéí øáðéï ã÷éñøéï àîøé òùøä ãëúéá [ãó é òîåã á] (åé÷øà ëá) åð÷ãùúé áúåê áðé éùøàì


Question: How many is considered 'in public'? The Rabbanan of Kisarin said ten, as the pasuk states (Vayikra 22:32), "I shall be sanctified amidst the children of Yisrael''.

øáé àáåðä æòéøà çîðåðéä ôøé çåøé çîøà áùáúà øáé éåðä åøáé éåñé äåøéï îôé ìàøñ÷éðñ áùåáúà


People once saw R. Avunah Zeirah running after a donkey on Shabbos. (This involved the Torah prohibition of Mechamer - causing an animal to work on Shabbos. He did this because he was forced by the idolaters for their own benefit.) R. Yona and R. Yosi once permitted baking bread for the head of the army and his soldiers on Shabbos, since their lives were in danger.

àîø øáé îðà ÷ùéúé ÷åîé øáé éåðä àáà ìà ëï àîø øáé æòéøà øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé øáé éøîéä øáé éåçðï áùí ø''ù áï éåöã÷ ðîðå áòìééú áéú ðúæä áìåã òì ëì äúåøä ëåìä îðééï àí éàîø òëå''í ìéùøàì ìòáåø òì àçú îëì îöåú äàîåøåú áúåøä çåõ îï äòáåãä æøä åâéìåé òøéåú åùôéëú ãîéí éòáåø åìà éäøâ


(R. Mana): I asked my father R. Yona - Didn't R. Zeira and R. Yochanan say in the name of R. Yannai and R. Yirmiyah and R. Yochanan say in the name of R. Shimon ben Yehutzedek that in the attic of the house of Netaza in Lod, they determined - Throughout the Torah, what is the source to say that if an idolater tells a Yisrael to transgress one of the Mitzvos, aside from idolatry, immorality and murder, that he should transgress rather than be killed?

äãà ãúéîà áéðå ìáéï òöîå àáì áøáéí àôéìå îöåä ÷ìä ìà éùîò ìå ëâåï ìåìééðåñ åôôåñ àçéå ùðúðå ìäí îéí áëìé æëåëéú öáåòä åìà ÷éáìå îäï


Conclusion of question: This is referring to when he spoke to him privately, but if it was in public, even for a lenient Mitzvah, he should not agree to transgress. For example, Lulainus and his brother Papus were given a colored glass utensil from which to drink (which was the custom of idolaters) and they refused it.

àîø ìà àúëååéï îùîãúåï åìà àúëååéï àìà îéëì ôéúà çîéîä


Answer (R. Yona): It wasn't an act of religious persecution - they just wanted hot bread.

ëîä äí øáéí øáðï ã÷éñøéï àîøéï òùøä ãëúéá (ùí) åð÷ãùúé áúåê áðé éùøàì


Question: How many is considered 'in public'? The Rabbanan of Kisarin said ten, as the pasuk states (Vayikra 22:32), "I shall be sanctified amidst the children of Yisrael''.