תוספות ד"ה אל תקניטני
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the opinion of Reish Lakish.)
דאותביה ריש לקיש לר' יוחנן מההיא דאלו שעורותיהן כבשרן כו'
Explanation: Reish Lakish asked a strong question on Rebbi Yochanan from the Mishnah, "The skin of these is like their flesh etc."
וא"ת לדידיה גופיה תקשה ליה דהא קסבר דבתר בסוף אזלינן בהך גידין שסופן להקשות
Question: Why isn't this a question on Reish Lakish as well? He himself says that we look at the eventual state of the sinews that will end up hardening!
וי"ל דלא דמי פסח דלאכילה לטומאה דאפי' עור ששלקו מטמא טומאת אוכלין כיון דחזי לאכילה כדאמר בסמוך ואע"ג דודאי אין נמנין עליו בפסח והכי נמי גידין שסופן להקשות
Answer: This is unlike a Korban Pesach. Regarding the impurity of food, even skin that was cooked can contract impurity due to its being food because it indeed is fit to eat as stated later, even though one cannot be part of a Korban Pesach by just having ownership of some of the skin (as this is only done with parts of the animal that are always eaten). The same applies to sinews that will eventually harden.
וכן בפרק כיצד צולין (פסחים פד.) דפריך מההיא דר' יוחנן דאמר עור הראש של עגל הרך אין מטמא טומאת אוכלין אההיא דגידין שסופן להקשות מכ"ש פריך
Proof: In Pesachim (84a), the Gemara asks a question from Rebbi Yochanan's statement that the soft skin of the head of a calf cannot contract impurity of food on his statement regarding Gidin that will end up becoming hard that certainly one should not be able to be part of a Korban Pesach with the Gidin (if the soft skin cannot even be considered food). (In other words, we see that when impurity of food does not apply, certainly one cannot use that part of the animal for his ownership of the Korban Pesach.)
ובירושלמי אההיא דראשו של עגל הרך א"ר יוחנן לא שנו אלא לטומאה אבל ללקות לא ור"ל אמר משנה שלמה היא זו בין לטומאה ובין ללקות
Observation: When the Yerushalmi discusses the soft head of a calf, Rebbi Yochanan says that this is only regarding impurity. However, it is not regarding receiving lashes (if one eats this skin from an animal that is a Neveilah). Reish Lakish says that this Mishnah applies both to impurity and to lashes.
ומסיק התם מיחלף שיטתיה דר"ל תמן לא עביד לה בשר גבי גידין שסופן להקשות דאמר אין נמנין וכאן עביד ליה בשר
Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi concludes that their opinions seemingly need to be switched. Can Reish Lakish say that regarding sinews that will harden it is not meat and therefore one cannot own that part of the animal to be part of the Korban Pesach and also hold here that it is not meat?
א"ר בון טעמא דריש לקיש ואכלו את הבשר בשר ולא גידין
Observation (cont.): Rebbi Boon says that the reason of Reish Lakish is because the Pasuk says, "And they will eat the meat" implying meat and not sinews. (Accordingly, while sinews are not meat, the soft head of a calf could be meat.)
משמע לפי הירושלמי דבכל מקום אזיל בתר השתא בר מגבי פסח דכתיב קרא
Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi implies that we always look at the current status (of the item in question) besides when dealing with the Korban Pesach, as stated in the Pasuk.
תוספות ד"ה בלשון יחיד
(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding the definition of "b'Lashon Yachid.")
היה שונה במשנה דברי ר"ש
Explanation #1: He understood that that the correct text at the end of the Mishnah was, "These are the words of Rebbi Shimon."
ולא כמו שפי' בקונטרס משום דאתיא כיחידאה
Explanation #2: This is unlike Rashi's explanation that he simply held it was a minority opinion.
דבפרק החולץ (יבמות דף מב:) פריך והא א"ר יוחנן הלכה כסתם משנה אע"ג דאתיא כר' יהודה
Question: In Yevamos (42b) the Gemara asked, "Didn't Rebbi Yochanan say that the law follows the Stam Mishnah?" This is despite the fact that it is according to the (minority) opinion of Rebbi Yehudah? (This indicates that Rebbi Yochanan could very well rule like a minority opinion quoted in a Stam Mishnah, as he does in Yevamos (ibid.). Accordingly, he would not be able to tell Reish Lakish that he should have known he does not rule this way because it is a minority opinion. However, if it says in the Mishnah, "These are the words of Rebbi Shimon" it is no longer a Stam Mishnah, which is why Rebbi Yochanan felt that Reish Lakish should have known that Rebbi Yochanan does not hold this way.)
וא"ת וממאי דמההיא דפסח הדר ביה ודלמא מההיא דלקמן הדר ביה
Question: How do we know he retracted his opinion regarding the sinews of a Korban Pesach? Perhaps he retracted his understanding stated later (122b) that the Mishnah states, "These are the words of Rebbi Shimon?" (See Maharam.)
וי"ל דמסתמא הדר ביה לגבי חבריה
Answer: It is more understandable to say that he retracted in order to agree to the position of Reish Lakish.
תוספות ד"ה נתמסמס
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between our Gemara and a similar Gemara earlier.)
הא דאמר באלו טרפות (לעיל נג:) נתמסמס הבשר רואין אותו כאילו הוא אינו
Implied Question: The Gemara earlier (53b) says that if the meat is worn away we look at it as if it is nonexistent. (How is this different from the question of our Gemara?)
היינו כגון בריאה ובגידין שהטרפות תלוי בהן אבל הכא שהטרפות תלוי בעצם אע"ג דנתמסמס הבשר שמא עדיין מגין
Answer: This is when the meat is in the lungs or sinews, as being a Treifah is dependent on these things. However, in our case where being a Treifah is dependent on the bone, even though the meat is worn away it is possible it still protects.
תוספות ד"ה דקנה
(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos have different texts in our Gemara.)
בקונטרס גרס בדלי"ת
Text #1: Rashi's text is "Di'dei" with a Daled.
ור"ח ור"ת גרסי ברי"ש פי' רירים ליחה שלו שאז מדבק בו העור ומעלה בו ארוכה
Text #2: Rabeinu Chananel and Rabeinu Tam have the text "Ri'rei" with a Reish. This means its moistness that sticks to the skin and creates a scab or scar.
תוספות ד"ה עור
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why skin cannot be eaten to fulfill the obligation of Korban Pesach.)
וא"ת א"כ יאכל עור בפסח דהא תנן (פסחים דף פד.) כל הנאכל בשור גדול בשלקא נאכל בצלי בגדי הרך
Question: If so, he should be able to eat skin to fulfill his obligation of Korban Pesach! This is as the Mishnah states in Pesachim (84a) that whatever is eaten from a large ox when cooked can be eaten roasted from a young goat.
וי"ל דבעינן שיהא נאכל בשלקא שלא ע"י הדחק
Answer: It (the skin of the ox) needs to be eaten cooked in a normal circumstance (and it is not).
תוספות ד"ה בנבלתה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Gemara did not quote a Mishnah later and instead quoted a Beraisa.)
וא"ת אמאי לא מייתי מתני' דהעור והרוטב (לקמן קיז:) דתנן בהדיא דהעור אינו מצטרף לטמא טומאת נבלות
Question: Why doesn't the Gemara quote the Mishnah in Chulin (117b) that explicitly states that skin cannot combine to create the impurity of a Neveilah?
וי"ל דמייתי מהכא משום דרבה בר רב חנא קאמר עלה לא נצרכה אלא עשאן לציקי קדרה דאמתני' לא מצי למימר דמתני' איצטריך לאשמועינן משום צירוף דאין מצטרפין
Answer: The Gemara quotes the Beraisa instead because Rabah bar Rav Chana said regarding the Beraisa that it was required to exclude a case where the skin etc. was cooked for a long time together with spices. He could not have said this regarding our Mishnah, as our Mishnah needed to teach that it does not combine to create impurity of Neveilah.
תוספות ד"ה ולא בעור
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that skin without a Kzayis of meat does not have Tumas Neveilah.)
כשאין עליו כזית בשר דהכי אמר בהעור והרוטב (לקמן קכו:)
Explanation: This is when it does not have a Kzayis of meat on it, as this is what is said in the Gemara later (126b).
והתם נמי דרשינן בנבלתה ולא בקולית סתומה ושקולין הן
Explanation (cont.): We also derive there, "with its Neveilah - and not a closed thighbone." These teachings are similar.
תוספות ד"ה המפלת
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why a Neifel is not included in the Beraisa.)
לא הוי מצי למינקט נפל
Implied Question: The Beraisa could not have included a case regarding a regular Neifel (child who will not survive for thirty days). (Why not?)
משום דתוך שלשה תולין בו את השליא כדאמר רבא בפ' המפלת (נדה דף כו:)
Answer: This is because any placenta that comes out within three days of a Neifel is linked to the Neifel as stated by Rava in Nidah (26b, unlike the law of this Beraisa).
תוספות ד"ה הריני
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two possible explanations of "the stringency of two births.")
בקונטרס פי' דאתא כרבנן
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that this is according to the Rabbanan (who say that anything that does not have the shape of a person is not considered a birth of a person).
אבל מתוך הלשון דחומר שני ולדות משמע כר"מ דחשיב ולדות בהמה חיה ועוף
Explanation #2: However, the terminology, "the stringency of two births" indicates that it is according to Rebbi Meir who holds that a birth of something that looks like an animal or bird is considered a birth.
וכגון דהך בהמה הויא זכר דאי הויא נקבה לא נפקא מינה מידי בחששא של שליא אם לא היכא דחד קודם שקיעת החמה וחד לאחר שקיעה כדאמרינן גבי סנדל בפרק המפלת (שם דף כה:)
Explanation #2 (cont.): The case where this would make a difference according to Rebbi Meir is where the animal born with it is male. If it would be female (which causes the mother to have the longest amount of days of impurity), there would be no difference regarding whether or not the placenta tells us to suspect another birth (as she already has the longest amount of impurity) unless one came out before sunset and one came out after sunset, as stated in Nidah (25b).
אי נמי י"ל דאתיא מתני' כרבנן דלא חשבינא ליה ולד וחומר שני ולדות הוי משום שליא גופה ולא משום בהמה ונותנין לה חומר זכר ונקבה
Observation: Alternatively, we could explain that the Mishnah is according to the Rabbanan that an animal etc. is not a birth. The Beraisa says, "the stringency of two births" because of the placenta, not because of the animal. The woman must act stringently (in all aspects of this law), as if she had either a male or a female.
ומיהו אי כרבנן אתיא הוה ליה למימר תשב לזכר ולנקבה ולנדה דשמא אין כאן ולד אחד
Implied Question: However, if this indeed is according to the Rabbanan, it should have said, "she should sit (i.e. have days of impurity) for a male, female, and as if she was a Nidah" as perhaps she only had one child (as opposed to saying we give her "the stringency of two births").
ולפירוש הקונטרס אתי שפיר הא דלא קאמר ולנדה דהיינו חומר שני ולדות דקאמר
Observation: According to Rashi it is understood why we did not say, "and as if she was a Nidah," as this part of the stringency of two births.
וא"ת לפי מה שפירש דנקט בהמה וחיה דוקא אבל הפילה נפל לא חיישינן לולד אחר כיון דילדה כי אורחא הא מתני' ילדה כי אורחא וחיישינן באינה קשורה לולד אחר
Question: According to the explanation earlier (in our previous Tosfos) that the Beraisa is specifically discussing animals, as regarding a Neifel we would not suspect that the placenta indicates another birth being that the birth of a Neifel occurred normally, our Mishnah is also discussing a case of a normal birth and yet we still suspect that if the fetus is not connected to the placenta that there is another birth!
ומאי סייעתא מייתי לר' אלעזר אדרבה קשיא ליה מהך ברייתא דנקט חיה ועוף דווקא וסייעתא לר' יוחנן
Question (cont.): What proof is there from here to Rebbi Elazar? On the contrary, the Beraisa should be a question on him being that it specifically discusses an animal and bird! (This indicates that if it would be a person, we would not differentiate between the placenta being connected to the child or not, as Rebbi Elazar indeed differentiates regarding a Neifel in our Mishnah!) It should be a proof to Rebbi Yochanan!
וי"ל דאין הדבר תלוי בכי אורחיה אלא פשיטא ליה למסדר הש"ס דבצורת האדם תלוי הטעם שרגילה שליתה להתעכב אבל אחר בהמה וחיה ועוף לא שנא במעי אשה ולא שנא במעי בהמה אין השליא רגילה להפרד מן הולד אפי' ילדה הבהמה בר קיימא
Answer: The determining factor is not a normal birth. Rather, it is obvious to the Gemara that it is normal for a human's placenta to delay coming out. However, regarding an animal or bird, whether it comes out of a woman or an animal the placenta does not usually detach itself from the fetus. This is even when the animal has a fetus that will live (normally) after birth.
וא"ת דהכא קתני שמא נימוח משמע דספקא הוא וא"כ אמאי אסורה השליא באכילה כשיצתה מקצתה ויש עמה ולד
Question: Our Beraisa states that perhaps the fetus was squashed. This indicates that we are unsure whether or not this is the case. Why, then, should the placenta be forbidden to be eaten when some of it is "born" and there is a child along with it?
והא ספק ספיקא הוא שמא אין כאן ולד אחר ואפי' את"ל יש כאן שמא אין באותו מקצת רובא ולד
Question (cont.): This should be a Sfeik Sfeika (double doubt causing it to be permitted)! Perhaps the placenta does not indicate another birth. Even if it does, perhaps the small part of the placenta that went out did not contain most of the stillborn!
ובספ"ק דבבא קמא (דף יא.) משמע דבספק ספקא שרי דדייקינן מיניה דאין מקצת שליא בלא ולד הא יש מקצת שליא בלא ולד הוה ליה למשרי מספק ספיקא
Question (cont.): In Bava Kama (11a), the Gemara implies that a Sfeik Sfeika would indeed permit eating the placenta. We deduce there from the statement, "There is no placenta with a fetus" that there can be a slight amount of placenta without a fetus. This indicates that we should permit it therefore due to this Sfeik Sfeika.
וי"ל דבברייתא דקתני שמא היינו בשליא הבאה אחר הולד ולעיל איירי בשליא הבאה קודם ולד
Answer #1: The Beraisa that says that "perhaps" is referring to a placenta that came out after the fetus. The Mishnah is discussing a placenta that came out before the fetus.
אי נמי אסורה באכילה משום דגזרינן מקצתה אטו רובא כדמסיק בב"ק
Answer #2: Alternatively, it is forbidden to be eaten because we decree that a minor part of it is forbidden due to most of it being forbidden, as we conclude in Bava Kama (ibid.).
תוספות ד"ה סמוך
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that our Gemara's case is not relative to an animal that might be having a Bechor.)
והא דתנן בפ"ג דבכורות (דף כא:) בהמה גסה ששפעה חררת דם הרי זה תקבר ונפטרה מן הבכורה ולא אמרינן ישליכנה לכלבים מהאי טעמא דהכא
Implied Question: The Mishnah in Bechoros (21b) states that if a cake of blood came out of a large animal, it should be buried and the animal is exempt from its next offspring having the status of a Bechor. We do not say that this cake should be thrown to the dogs for the reason that we state in our Gemara that it should be thrown to the dogs. (Why not?)
דהתם לא אמרינן תקבר אלא כדי לפרסם דנפטרה מן הבכורה כדאמר התם
Answer: We only say that the cake should be buried there in order to publicize that the animal has been exempted from its next offspring being a Bechor, as stated in the Gemara there.
ומה שאין דוחה לומר שם כן אלא משום קושיא דפריך אר' חייא דאמר וכי מאחר דאינה מטמאה במגע ובמשא אמאי תקבר ומשני כדי לפרסמה כו'
Implied Question: The Gemara there only gives this answer due to the question asked there on Rebbi Chiya who says, "Being that it does not cause impurity by it being touched or carried, why should it be buried?" The Gemara answers, "in order to publicize etc." (It seems as if the Gemara would not have otherwise come to our conclusion.)
בלאו הכי נמי היה צריך לטעם פרסום אלא דאדרבי חייא לא ניחא ליה כל כך שתקבר מטעם פרסום כיון דאפילו ילדה דבר הקדוש לא בעי קבורה משום דבטל
Answer: It would have come to this conclusion that the reason is to publicize etc. in any event. However, Rebbi Chiya apparently is not pleased with this reason, being that even if it did give birth to something that should be considered holy (i.e. a Bechor) it would not require burial being that it is nullified.
תוספות ד"ה רובא
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Gemara insists that most, not all, offspring of Mukdashim are buried.)
משום דאיכא נדמה דלא קדיש קאמר רובא ולא כולה
Explanation: Being that a "Nidmeh" (an animal that does not look the same type of animal as its parents) cannot be considered holy our Gemara says, "most" not "all."
וא"ת והא בולד קדשים הכל קדוש כדמוכח בתמורה בסוף פרק (כל הקרבנות) (דף יז.) דקאמר אבל כלאים טומטום ואנדרוגינוס אי אתה מוצא אלא בולדות קדשים אלמא כלאים הנולד מבהמה קדושה קדיש
Question: Offspring of Kodshim are always considered holy, as is apparent from Temurah (17a)! The Gemara in Temurah (ibid.) says that one only finds Kilayim, a Tumtum, or Androginus as an offspring of Kodshim. This indicates that Kilayim (offspring from two different types of animals) that was born from an animal dedicated as a Korban is holy. Kal v'Chomer an animal that is a Nidmeh should be considered holy!
וכ"ש נדמה כדמוכח במרובה (ב"ק עח.) דקאמר השתא כלאים מרבה ליה נדמה מבעיא
Proof: This is as indicated by the Gemara in Bava Kama (78a) when it says, "Now that Kilayim are included, there is no question about a Nidmeh!"
וי"ל דסוגיא דהתם כמאן דאמר ולדות קדשים במעי אמן הן קדושים והכא למאן דאמר בהויתן הן קדושים
Answer: The Gemara there is according to the opinion that offspring of Kodshim are holy in their mother's womb. Our Gemara does not agree with that opinion.
והא דנפל קדוש הכא
Implied Question: Our Gemara understands a Neifel is holy (can be deemed a Bechor, despite the fact that when it comes out it will not survive).
היינו משום דילפינן מבכור דקדוש בבכורה כדדרשינן בכריתות מדכתיב שגר
Answer #1: This is because we derive from a Bechor of an animal that it is considered holy when it comes out of the animal, as we derive in Kerisus (should read Bechoros 3a) from the Pasuk "Sheger" - "send (i.e. it was sent out of its mother)."
אי נמי אפילו למאן דאמר במעי אמן הן קדושים נקט הכא רובא משום דאיכא דמות דיונה דלא קדיש [וע' היטב תוספות זבחים פד: בד"ה ומוציא ועוד שם קיד. סד"ה וקסבר]
Answer #2: Alternatively, even the opinion that offspring of Kodshim animals are holy in the womb will hold here that only most animals should be buried, being that there is offspring of an animal that looks like a pigeon which indeed will not be holy. [Analyze Tosfos in Zevachim 84b, DH "u'Motzi" 114a DH "v'ka'Savar."]