

úåñôåú ã"ä ëé ÷àîø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rabah's position.)

àáì èîà îú àò"ô ùäåà àá äèåîàä àéï ìå èåîàú îùà åèáòú èäåøä ðîé ìà îèîàä îçîú àãí èòîà ðîé îùåí ãáéú äñúøéí ãàãí ìà îèîà


Explanation (cont.): However, even though a Tamei Mes is an Av ha'Tumah, he does not have impurity through carrying. A pure ring also does not become impure due to a person, being that the hidden areas of a person do not make something impure.

àáì áá' èáòåú ãìà ùééê áäå áéú äñúøéí äåä àîéðà áîñåúøéí áúåëå ìéèîå ÷î"ì ãèòîà ãîúðé' îùåí áìåò äåà åçáéøå ðîé ìà îèîà


Explanation (cont.): However, in a case where there is a pure ring and an impure ring, the logic regarding a hidden area is irrelevant (as the impurity comes from an object, not the person's hidden areas). I would therefore think that if the rings are hidden inside of him they should both be considered impure. Rabah therefore teaches us that the reasoning of the Mishnah is because the impurity is absorbed in the body, meaning that the pure ring should not be considered impure.

å÷ùä ìôéøåùå ãáèáòú ùðâòä áîú äøé äåà ëçìì åèåîàúä áå÷òú åòåìä åàôé' øöåöä úçú àáðéí ùìà îèîà àú äàãí îëç áéú äñúøéí


Question #1: There is a difficulty with Rashi's explanation. A ring that touches a dead person is like a dead person. Its impurity goes through (certain covers) and up even if it is under a pile of rocks, where it would not make a person impure because it is in a hidden area.

åîä ùôé' ãèáòú èäåøä ìà îèîàä îçîú àãí îùåí ãáéú äñúøéí ãàãí ìà îèîà


Question #2: His explanation that a pure ring will not become impure due to the person because the hidden area of a person does not cause things to become impure is difficult.

àèå àí ðëðñ àãí ìàäì äîú åëìéí àå àåëìéï á÷åîèå ä"ð ãèäåøéí ãàò"â ãáéú äñúøéí ìàå áú î÷áìé èåîàä ðéðäå î"î ìà äåé ëöîéã ôúéì ãîöéì áàäì äîú


Question #2 (cont.): If a person enters a tent where there is a dead person and he has (small) vessel or food in the folds of his skin, will they indeed remain pure?! Even though one does not contract impurity in a hidden area, it is not like a tight cover over an earthenware vessel that saves its contents from contracting impurity in a where there is a dead person.

äøé èéè ãìàå áðé ÷áåìé èåîàä ðéðäå åàåëìéï ùâéáìï áèéè åäëðéñí ìàäì äîú èîàéí


Proof: This is evident from the fact that while plaster is not something which becomes impure, if one puts food in plaster and brings it into a tent where there is a dead person, it becomes impure.

åîä ùôéøù ðîé ãàéï èåîàú îùà àìà ìîé ùèåîàä áàä îîðå äøé îãøñ äæá ãîèîà áîùà åä"ð èáòú ùðâòä áîú ëéåï ãäåéà ëçìì ìèîà áîùà ãìèîà áîùà ìà îäðé áéú äñúøéí ëãôé' á÷åðè'


Question #3: Additionally, his explanation that impurity through carrying is only with items that are the source of the impurity is incorrect, as something a Zav sits or lays upon makes one who carries it impure. Similarly, in our case the ring that touched a dead person is like the dead body, and therefore should make one who carries it impure. This is because the fact that it is in a hidden area should not help prevent this impurity, as Rashi himself explains.

åáô' éåöà ãåôï (ðãä ãó îá:) ðîé àîøé' ðáìä á÷åîèå èîà ðäé ãáîâò ìà îèîà áîùà îéäà îèîà


Question #3 (cont.): In Nidah (42b), we also say that a person who has a piece of Neveilah in his folds of skin is impure. Despite the fact that he does not become impure through touching the Neveilah, he does become impure through carrying it.

ìëê ðøàä ãèòîà ãîúðé' îùåí ãáìåò äåà åî"î àùîòéðï øáä áùðé èáòåú ãîîúðé' ìà àùîòéðï ìéä


Opinion: It therefore appears that the reason of the Mishnah is because the impurity is absorbed. Even so, Rabah teaches us with the case of two rings that we would not have known this from the Mishnah.

ãäà ãàò"â ãèåîàä áìåòä ìà îèîàä äééðå èäøä áòìîà àáì èäøä äáìåòä îéèîàä åëï äà ãèäøä äáìåòä ìà îéèîàä äééðå îèåîàä ãòìîà åìà îèåîàä äáìåòä òîä


Opinion (cont.): Even though absorbed impurity does not cause impurity, I would think that means it does not cause items outside of the item (or person) it is absorbed in to become impure. However, it would cause a pure item absorbed together with it to become impure. Similarly, when we say that a pure item that is absorbed does not become impure, this might mean from something impure outside of the item it is absorbed in, not from something that is absorbed together with it.

åàéï ìúîåä ëéåï ãáà ìàùîåòéðï ëàï áùúé èáòåú îàé ëùí


Implied Question: One should not ask that being that Rabah is teaching us about a case where there are two rings, why does he say "just like etc.?"

ãäëé ôéøåùå ëùí ùèåîàä áìåòä àéðä îèîàä àú äàãí äáåìòä àò"ô ùðâòä áå ëê àéðä îèîàä èäøä ùàöìä


Answer: He means that just as absorbed impurity does not cause the person who it is absorbed in to become impure even though it touches him, so too it does not make a pure item that is together with it impure.

åà"ú îðà ìä ìøáä äà ãèäøä áìåòä ìà îéèîàä îèåîàä ùàöìä äà ìà àúé î÷"å ãöîéã ôúéì


Question: How does Rabah know that absorbed impurity does not become impure from the impure item that is with it? This is not derived from the Kal v'Chomer from a tight cover (on an earthenware vessel, see 71a)!

åé"ì ãëåìä îìúà ãøéù øáä îï äàåëì àú ðáìúä îé ìà òñ÷éðï ãàëì ñîåê ìù÷éòú äçîä å÷àîø øçîðà ãèäåø àôé' ìàëåì áúøåîä åðåâòú áèåîàä ùáîòéä åàñåø ìèîàä


Answer: Rabah derived his teaching from the Pasuk, "one who eats its carcass." Rabah said, aren't we (also) discussing a case of someone who ate close to sunset, and the Torah said he is pure and therefore even able to eat Terumah? This is despite the fact that the Terumah touches the impurity that is in his stomach, and it is forbidden to cause Terumah to become impure! (It must be that this does not cause the Terumah to become impure.)

åà"ú ùúé èáòåú ðîé úðéðà áìò èáòú èîàä èåáì åàåëì áúøåîä


Question: We already learned the law regarding two rings, as we learned (in Mikvaos 10:8) that if someone swallows an impure ring, he can immerse and eat Terumah! (The Terumah mingling with the ring is the same as a case of two rings!)

åéù ìåîø ãäúí öøéê äæéä ùìéùé åùáéòé åëùáà ìàëåì úøåîä ëáø éù ùáòä éîéí ùðáìòä åäøé äéà îñúîà ëáø ñîåê ìð÷á åëùáåìò úøåîä àéðä ðåâòú áèáòú òã ùúáà àöìä ñîåê ìð÷á åàæ äéà ëáø îòåëìú


Answer: It is possible to answer that in the case in Mikvaos (10:8) he required sprinkling on the third and seventh day after he became impure. When he eats Terumah after the seventh day, the ring is already close to a hole where it would exit (or attempt to exit) his body. When he swallows Terumah, it does not touch the ring until it gets close to the hole as well, at which point it is already digested (and no longer has the status of Terumah).



úåñôåú ã"ä åäøé çéä

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding why a woman is not impure from the stillborn inside of her until it comes out.)

îä ùôé' á÷åðèøñ àìîà ãèåîàä áìåòä îèîàä åèòîà ãàùä èäåøä îùåí áéú äñúøéí åëï ôé' áñîåê âáé ìà úéîà îúðé' ø' ò÷éáà äéà


Explanation: Rashi explains that this implies that absorbed impurity does cause impurity. The reason that the woman remains pure is because the impurity is in her hidden area. Rashi also gives this explanation later regarding the Gemara's statement, "You should not say the Mishnah is according to Rebbi Akiva."

å÷ùä ðäé ãîâò áéú äñúøéí ìà îèîà áîùà îèîà


Question: This is difficult. Even though she should not become impure through the contact that the impurity has with her being that it is in her hidden area, she should be impure because she is carrying it!

àìà ö"ì ëãôéøùðå ãàùä èäåøä îùåí èåîàä áìåòä äéà åçéä äåéà ëùúé èáòåú


Answer: Rather, it must be as we have explained that a woman is pure because the impurity is absorbed. The midwife's hand is similar to the case of two rings.



úåñôåú ã"ä âæéøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rebbi Oshiya specifically is talking about the head being born, not other parts of the body.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ îùåí ãäøé äåà ëéìåã îùîò ããå÷à ð÷è øàùå


Explanation: Rashi explains that this would give the fetus a status of being born. This implies that it specifically said this regarding its head.

åëï îùîò áô' éåöà ãåôï (ðãä ãó îá:) âáé éåìãú îèîàä áôðéí ëáçåõ ã÷àîø ëâåï ùäåöéà åìã øàùå çåõ ìôøåæãåø ëãø' àåùòéà ëå' îùîò ãø' àåùòéà ð÷è ãå÷à øàùå


Proof: This is also the implication of the Gemara in Nidah (42b) regarding a woman who gives birth, that she is impure inside like she is outside. The Gemara explains that this is in a case where the child stuck his head out of the birth canal, as is the opinion of Rebbi Oshiya etc. This indicates that Rebbi Oshiya specifically said this regarding the head.

åúéîä ãàîàé ð÷è øàùå àôé' äåöéà éãå çåõ ìôøåæãåø ðîé ðèîàä äçéä ùðâòä áå àå äñéèä ãúå ìàå èåîàä áìåòä äéà


Question: This is difficult. Why is this specifically regarding his head? Even if he only stuck his hand outside the birth canal, the midwife who touched him or carried him would still be impure, as he is no longer considered absorbed!

åé"ì ãâæéøú äëúåá äéà ãòã ùéäà ëéìåã ìà îèîàä ëããøéù îòì ôðé äùãä åäùúà ðéçà äà ãöøéê ø' éùîòàì ìîãøù èòîà î÷øà ãèòîéä ôùåè ãèåîàä áìåòä äéà àìà îùåí ãìà îèîà áäåöéà éãå òã ùéäà ëéìåã


Answer: The Pasuk, "from on the field" teaches that unless he is considered born he does not cause impurity. It is now understandable why Rebbi Yishmael needs to derive this from the Pasuk despite the fact that the reason seems obvious, as it is absorbed impurity. He derived from the Pasuk that he is not impure if he sticks out his hand, but rather needs to be born to cause impurity.

åø' ò÷éáà ðîé ìà ôìéâ àìà áäåöéà àú éãå


Answer (cont.): Rebbi Akiva only argues regarding in a case where he stuck out his hand.

åëï îùîò ãìà úéîà àìéáà ãø"ò îùîò ãëø"ò àúéà îúðé' áôùéèåú ãèîàä äçéä îãáøé ñåôøéí ãâæøéðï ëåìå áîòé àùä àèå äåöéà éãå


Answer (cont.): This is also implied by the Gemara's statement, "you should not say the Mishnah is only according to Rebbi Akiva" as the indication is that the Mishnah can obviously be according to Rebbi Akiva. The midwife is impure according to Rabbinic law, as we decree she is impure when the entire fetus was in the woman due to a case where the hand was sticking out.

àáì àé ø"ò îèîà òåáø áîòé àîå àôé' ìà éöà ìçåõ ëìì äéëé îúå÷îà îúðéúà àìéáéä ãçéä èîàä åàùä èäåøä


Answer (cont.): However, if Rebbi Akiva says that a fetus in the mother is impure even if it did not go out of the mother at all, how can we say that the Mishnah is according to him, and that the midwife is impure while the mother is pure?



úåñôåú ã"ä âåìì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes that he discusses the definition of the word "Golel" elsewhere.)

îôåøù áô"÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó ã: ã"ä òã)


Explanation: This is explained in Kesuvos (4b, DH "Ad").



úåñôåú ã"ä ùúé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos notes Rebbi Yishmael holds Yesh Aim l'Mesores.)

åø' éùîòàì ñáø ãéù àí ìîñåøú åðôùú ëúéá ëãàîø áñðäãøéï áô"÷ (ãó ã.)


Observation: Rebbi Yishmael holds Yesh Aim l'Mesores, and that therefore the word is looked at as saying Nafshas (singular), as he says in Sanhedrin (4a).

å÷ùä ãúøé ÷øàé áøáéòéú ãí ì"ì áîú áðôù åðôù


Question: This is difficult, as why do we require two Pesukim, both "b'Mes b'Nefesh" and "Nefesh" (some have the text in Tosfos "Nafshas") regarding a Revi'is of blood (if not for the teaching of Rebbi Akiva)?



úåñôåú ã"ä äåöéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the connection between the fetus and its mother, even if the fetus is dead.)

ãòåáø ùáôðéí àôé' îú çùéá ëçé ãäà ÷à îäðé ìéä ùçéèú àîå ìäúéøå àó áàëéìä


Explanation: This is because the fetus inside, even if it is dead, is considered alive, as the slaughtering of its mother permits it to be eaten.



úåñôåú ã"ä åçëîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah earlier (70b) stated a case when the entire fetus was inside the animal.)

áùçéèä òåùä ðéôåì ôìéâé ëãàîø áâî' å÷åãí ùçéèä ìë"ò àãí ùðåâò áàáø ùáçåõ èäåø ãàé îçééí îèîà äéëé äåä îäðé ùçéèä ìøáðï ìäô÷éò äèåîàä ìèäøåú


Explanation: They argue regarding whether or not the limb is considered to "fall off" when slaughtering takes place, as stated in the Gemara (73b). Before slaughtering, everyone agrees that if a person touches the limb sticking out he is pure. If the limb causes impurity when it is alive, how could slaughtering help according to the Rabbanan to take away the impurity and make it pure?

åìòéì ã÷úðé äåùéè øåòä àú éãå åðâò áå èäåø ìàå ãå÷à ìôé ùäåà áôðéí ãàôé' äåöéà òåáø éãå ìçåõ åðâò áå äøåòä èäåø


Implied Question: Earlier (70b), when the Mishnah stated that if the shepherd stuck his hand in the womb and touched the fetus he is pure, it is not specifically because the fetus is inside the animal. This would even be the case if the shepherd touched the foot of the animal that was sticking out of the animal. (Why, then, didn't the Mishnah state this?)

àìà ìäåãéòê ëçå ãø' éåñé äâìéìé ãàôé' äëé áèîàä èîà


Answer #1: Rather, this teaches the power of Rebbi Yosi ha'Glili's position (70b), that even so if the animal is unkosher, it causes impurity.

à"ð îåãå øáðï áäåöéà éãå ìçåõ åðâò áå ãáèîàä èîà ãìòðéï îä ùáôðéí äåà ãî÷ùéðï èîàä ìèäåøä åìà ìòðéï îä ùáçåõ


Answer #2: Alternatively, the Rabbanan admit that if an unkosher animal sticks its hand out and he touches it, he is impure. They only argue regarding the fetus of an unkosher animal while it is inside the animal, as only in that case do we compare an unkosher animal to a kosher animal, not regarding what is outside the animal.




úåñôåú ã"ä èäåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the case must be where wooden vessels that do not become impure were between the feet of the Zav and the clothing.)

îúçìä ëùðèîà îãøñ öøéê ìåîø ãäéä ùí ôùåèé ëìé òõ îôñé÷ áéï øâìå ìáâã


Observation: Originally, when it became impure through Medras, one must say that there were flat vessels of wood between his foot and the clothing.

ãàé àéï ùí ôùåèé ëìé òõ ìà äåä ôìéâ ø' éåñé ãäà áà ìå îãøñ åîâò æá áéçã àí äéä éçó àå îãøñ åîâò îãøñ àí äéä ðòåì åëùáà ááú àçú îåãä ø' éåñé ëãîùîò áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëã:)


Observation (cont.): If this were not the case, Rebbi Yosi would not argue, as the Medras and Maga of the Zav happened at the same time if he was barefoot. Alternatively, the Medras and Maga Medras happened if he was wearing shoes. When both happen at the same time, Rebbi Yosi admits (that the secondary impurity still applies after the first form of impurity does not), as implied in Menachos (24b).



úåñôåú ã"ä àìà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the concept of an item being "full from impurity.")

ùðâò áå î÷îé îãøñ àééøé àå ùéçó ãøñ ãäåä ìéä îãøñ åîâò äæá ááú àçú ãàé ìáñåó ìà àúé îâò ã÷éì åçééì àîãøñ äçîåø


Explanation: Either he touched it before Medras, or he stepped on it barefoot, causing Medras and Maga ha'Zav at the same time. If he touched it after the Medras, Maga which is lighter would not take effect on something which is already impure due to Medras, which is more stringent.

ëãîùîò áä÷åîõ [øáä] (ùí: åùí ã"ä ëé) ã÷úðé ááøééúà îåãä ø' éåñé áùðé ñãéðéí äî÷åôìéí åîåðçéí æä òì æä åéùá òìéäï äæá ùäòìéåï èîà îãøñ åäúçúåï èîà îãøñ åîâò îãøñ


Proof: This is as implied in Menachos (24b, see also Tosfos DH "Ki" there). The Beraisa there states that Rebbi Yosi admits that if two sheets were folded one on top of the other and the Zav sat on them that the top one is impure due to Medras while the bottom one is impure both due to Medras and Maga Medras.

ôé' ùéù àåéø áéï äñãéðéï ùîåðçéï òì âáé ÷åðãñéï æä ìîòìä îæä åéùá æá òì äòìéåï òã ùäëáéã äòìéåï ùðâò áúçúåï åëâåï ùôùåèé ëìé òõ îôñé÷ áéðå åìñãéðéí


Proof (cont.): The case is where there is air between the sheets that are on poles, and the sheets are one on top of the other. The Zav sat on the top one until it sagged and weighed on the bottom sheet. The case is also where flat wooden vessels are in between him and the sheets.

ãáòìéåï ÷ãí äîãøñ ìîâò åáúçúåï áàéí ááú àçú ùäëáéã òì äòìéåï òã ùäâéò ìúçúåï ðèîà îãøñ îçîú äæá åîâò îãøñ îï äñãéï äòìéåï åùðéäí áàéí ááú àçú


Proof (cont.): Regarding the top sheet, the Medras is before the Maga. Regarding the bottom sheet, the Medras and Maga happen at the same time, as the Zav caused the top sheet to go down until it weighed on the bottom sheet. Accordingly, the bottom sheet is Tamei Medras due to the Zav, and Tamei Maga Medras due to the top sheet. Both of these occur at the same time.

åîòé÷øà ã÷à äåä áòé ìîéôùè áòéà ãòùøåï ùçì÷å åðèîà àçã îäí åäðéçä ááéñà åçæø èáåì éåí åðâò áèîà îé àîøéðï ùáò ìéä èåîàä àå ìà åéèîà âí çì÷ äùðé ò"é öéøåó ëìé


Implied Question: The Gemara in Menachos (ibid.) originally wanted to answer the question regarding an Isaron that was divided in half, with one half becoming impure and being subsequently put in a bowl that is a Kli Shares (together with the other half that had not yet been made impure, and was not in a vessel with the first half when it became impure). A Tevul Yom then came and touched the impure half. The question of the Gemara is whether we say that the second half is already impure, and therefore not considered impure due to the Tevul Yom, or do we say that it is considered to become impure again, and therefore causes the second half to also become impure due to the halves being in the same vessel when the first half became impure from the Tevul Yom.

åôùéè îîúðé' ãñãéï èîà îãøñ ùòùàå åéìåï èäåø îï äîãøñ àáì èîà îâò îãøñ àîø ø' éåñé åëé áàéæä îãøñ ðâò æä àìà ùàí ðâò áå äæá èîà îàé ìàå àôé' ìáñåó


Implied Question (cont.): The Gemara extrapolates from the Mishnah that if a sheet was Tamei Medras and it was made into a curtain, it is no longer Tamei Medras, but it is still Tamei Maga Medras. Rebbi Yosi says, how did it become Tamei Maga Medras? Rather, it means that if a Zav touched it, it would become impure. This must be referring to him touching it afterwards. (This shows the Gemara does believe Maga Medras would take effect after Medras! Didn't we just say prove is incorrect from the case of the two sheets?)

àëúé ìà éãò áøééúà ãùðé ñãéðéï ãîåëç áäãéà ãìà çééì ìáñåó îâò îãøñ ã÷éì àîãøñ ãçîåø


Answer: It is clear that at this point the Gemara did not yet know the Beraisa regarding the two sheets, as it is clear from that Beraisa that the light impurity of Maga Medras that happens after the stringent impurity of Medras will not take effect.

åà"ú ãáùìäé äòåø åäøåèá (ì÷îï ãó ÷ëç:) úðéà äçåúê ëæéú áùø îàáø îï äçé çéùá òìéå åàç"ë çúëå èîà åôøéê èåîàú áéú äñúøéí äéà åîùðé ø"î äéà åäùúà äéëé çééì àçø äîçùáä èåîàú àåëìéï ã÷éì àèåîàú àáø îï äçé ãçîéø


Question: In Chulin (128b), the Beraisa states that if someone cuts a k'Zayis of meat from a limb of a live animal, if he thought about eating it and then cut it off it is impure (as food). The Gemara asks, isn't the impurity only done in a hidden area? The Gemara answers, this is the opinion of Rebbi Meir (in our Gemara). However, how can the light impurity of food take effect after his wanting it to be food if the limb was already prohibited with a stringent impurity of a limb of a live animal?

åé"ì ãèåîàú àåëìéï çîéø ùøàåé ìäöèøó òí ôçåú îëáéöä àåëìéï àáì ÷åãí ùéçùá òìéäí ìà äéä øàåé ìäöèøó


Answer #1: The impurity of food is indeed more stringent, as it can combine with less than a k'Beitzah of food to create impurity. However, before he thinks about it as food, it cannot combine with other items (other than a limb from a live animal) to create impurity.

åäøá ø' ùîùåï àåîø ãùáò ìéä èåîàä ìà ùééê áãáø ùäèåîàä áàä îâåôå åçééì ùôéø àôé' ÷ì òì çîåø


Answer #2: Rabeinu Shimshom says that "it is full from impurity" (i.e. unable to contract a second form of impurity) does not apply regarding something where the impurity comes from its own body (i.e. the limb becomes food, or the sheet made into a curtain). In such a case, even a light impurity will take effect after a stringent impurity has already taken effect.

åëôéøåùå îùîò áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ëã:) ãáòé ìîéôùè îääåà ãá' ñãéðéí ãìà àîø ùáò ìéä èåîàä ùäøé úçúåï èîà îãøñ åîâò îãøñ


Proof: Rabeinu Shimshon's opinion is implied in Menachos (24b). The Gemara wants to extrapolate from the case of the two sheets (as explained above in b) that we do not say "it is full from impurity" as the bottom sheet is impure from both Medras and Maga Medras.

ôé' àò"â ãòìéåï àéðå èîà àìà îãøñ äééðå îùåí ãìà çééì îâò ã÷éì àîãøñ ãçîåø áæä àçø æä àáì îúçúåï áòé ìîéôùè ëéåï ãááú àçú åãàé çì àôé' ÷ì òì äçîåø


Proof (cont.): This means that even though the top sheet is only Tamei Medras, it is only because Maga which is a light impurity does not take effect on Medras which is stringent if they happen one after another. However, the Gemara wants to show from the bottom sheet that being that the two impurities happen at the same time, even a lenient impurity takes effect together with a stringent impurity.

åà"ë áùðéäí ùåéí ëé ääéà ãòùøåï ùçì÷å çìéí àôé' áæä àçø æä åîùðé ãááú àçú åãàé çééì àôé' ÷ì òì çîåø àáì áæä àçø æä àôé' ùðéäí ùåéï ìà çééì äàçøåï


Proof (cont.): Accordingly, in a case where the impurities are equal, as in the case of the Isaron that was split in half, they should take effect even if they happen one after the other! The Gemara answers that if the two impurities happen at the same time they both take effect, even if one was light and one was stringent. However, if one happens after the other, even if they are equal the second one does not take effect.

åäùúà ìôé ñáøú äôåùè àîàé ìà ôùéè îø"î ãàîø âáé ñãéï ùòùàå åéìåï ãèîà îâò îãøñ àìîà ãçì ÷ì òí äçîåø ááú àçú àìà åãàé ëùäèåîàä áàä îâåôå ìà àîøé' ùáò ìéä èåîàä åçì àôé' ÷ì òì çîåø àôé' áæä àçø æä


Proof (cont.): According to the logic of the one who was trying to bring this proof in the Gemara, why didn't he extrapolate this from Rebbi Meir who said regarding a sheet that was made into a curtain that it is impure from Maga Medras? This indicates that a light impurity takes effect at the same time that a stringent impurity takes effect! Rather, it must be that when the impurity comes from the item itself, we do not say that "it is full from impurity," even if a lighter impurity comes afterwards.

åéù ìãçåú ãìà áòé ìîôùè îø' îàéø ãäà ø' éåñé ôìéâ òìéä îäàé èòîà åìäëé ìà ôùéè àìà îø' éåñé


Question: One can push aside this proof by saying that the Gemara did not want to prove this from Rebbi Meir, as Rebbi Yosi argues on him due to this reason. This is why it only wanted to extrapolate from Rebbi Yosi.



úåñôåú ã"ä àáì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Ula did not explain Rebbi Yosi's opinion by using a different case.)

ã÷åãí ùðçì÷ ìâîøé ðåâòåú çúéëåú æå ìæå


Explanation: Before they totally split apart, the two pieces touch each other.

åä"ä ãáùìùä òì ùìùä îùëçú ìä ãîåãä ø' éåñé ëâåï ùìà äôñé÷ ôùåèé ëìé òõ áéï øâìå ìáâã ãàúé îãøñ åîâò ááú àçú


Implied Question: Similarly, Rebbi Yosi would admit regarding clothing that was three by three Tefachim and that was stepped upon by a Zav without anything separating the clothing and his bare feet that Medras and Maga Medras occur at the same time.

åàôé' àí äôñé÷ ðîé àí äéä ðëôì áùòä ùãøñ òìéå ùùðé øàùéäï ðåâòéí æä áæä áâìåé ãàéï æä áéú äñúøéí åááú àçú ÷àúå


Implied Question (cont.): Even if there was something separating his feet and the clothing, if the sheets were doubled over when he stepped on it, meaning that the ends of both sheets were openly touching each other, both Medras and Maga Medras take effect. This is because the contact is not in a hidden area, and both occur at the same time. (Why didn't Ula make a distinction regarding this case?)

àìà ðéçà ìéä ìàùëåçé èåîàú îâò àôé' ááâã ùéäéä òåîã ëì ùòä îúåç åäéä ùí ôùåèé ëìé òõ äîôñé÷ ãåîéà ãøéùà


Answer: Rather, Ula prefers to find a case of Maga even if the clothing is open and stretched out and there were flat vessels of wood separating between the Zav and the clothing, as it is more similar to the first case. (See Tosfos DH "Tahor" above who stated that this must be the case.)



úåñôåú ã"ä áùòú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when separation causes impurity and when it does not.)

åà"ú åì÷îï áäòåø åäøåèá (ãó ÷ëç:) âáé äçåúê áùø îï äçé ãèîà åîå÷é ìä ëø"î ãàîø èåîàä ãáéú äñúøéí îèîà


Question: Later in Chulin (128b), regarding a person who cuts off flesh from a live animal thereby becoming impure, the Gemara establishes that this is according to Rebbi Meir who says that impurity in a hidden area does cause impurity.

ìå÷îä àôé' ëø' éåñé ãáùòú ôøéùúå î÷áì èåîàä îäàáø


Question (cont.): It could even be according to Rebbi Yosi, as when the flesh comes off it receives impurity from the limb!

åãåç÷ ìåîø ãîééøé ëâåï ãáîùäå øàùåï ùðçúê ìà äéä áàáø ëãé ìòìåú àøåëä


Question (cont.): It is difficult to say that the case is where when he first cut the limb, the limb did not have enough skin to heal (and therefore did not cause impurity).

åé"ì ãáòé ìàå÷îé àó áðéúæ áëì ëçå ãìà î÷áì èåîàä îàáéäï áùòú ôøéùä îàáéäï åëé äàé âååðà îùðé áô' àîøå ìå (ëøéúåú ãó èå:)


Answer: The case is when he cut it off with all of his might, as it does not contract impurity when it is being separated from the body (it only does so if separated slowly). A similar answer is given in Kerisus (15b).

åîéäå áô' ëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó ôä. åùí ã"ä åìøáéðà) âáé àáø ùéöà î÷öúå ãçåúê òã ùîâéò ìòöí å÷åìó òã ùîâéò ìôø÷ åçåúê åãéé÷ îéðä ãìà âæåø èåîàä òì äéåöà ãà"ë äéä îèîà îä ùáôðéí


Question: However, in Pesachim (85a, see Tosfos there DH "u'li'Ravina") regarding a limb that partially went out must be cut until one gets to the bone, and the flesh should be peeled off until one gets to the joint, at which point the bone should be cut. The Gemara deduces from here that the Rabbanan must not have decreed that a limb that goes out of the Mikdash (or its designated area) is impure, as otherwise it would make the part of the animal that is inside impure.