How many times must a bird be sent away?
- Once.
- Twice.
- Three times.
- Four times.
- There is no maximum; until the bird leaves.
When is the Hava Amina that a Mitzvah would be Docheh Sheeluach Hakein?
- When he already violated the Laav and took the mother.
- When taking eggs from a nest that is Mezuman (available).
- When he killed the mother bird.
- Under the regular circumstances.
- When he took the mother bird Al Menas to send it.
Which case proves what R’ Yehuda holds?
- Ganav and Gazlan.
- Leket.
- Nosar.
- Peah.
- Shiluach Hakein.
What is a Teimah?
- A type of male bird.
- A type of female bird.
- A type of Ohf Tamei.
- A type of Ohf Tahor.
- A type of Korei.
At which point does an egg obligate Sheeluach Hakein?
- When it touches the ground.
- When most of the egg leaves the chicken’s body.
- When the entire egg leaves the chicken’s body.
- When the egg begins to leave the chicken’s body.
- Teiku; the matter remains unresolved.