In which scenario need a bird not be sent away because its Hekdesh?
- When the Hekdesh bird is Mored, and he later finds it on a nest.
- When the Hekdesh bird is part of a Hekdesh nest in his house.
- When he was Makdish a bird he saw sitting on a nest in the street.
- When he picked up a bird in the street to be Makdish it, and then returned it to the nest.
- When he was Makdish the chicks he saw sitting on a nest on the street, and then returned them to their nest.
Why doesn’t a Hekdesh bird that escapes lose its Kedushah?
- It’s a Svora — maybe the Gizbor will find it later.
- La’Hashem Ha’Aretz U’Melo’o.
- Hekdesh can’t just evaporate!
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers A and C.
What is the exception to Harei Uhly being a Neder?
- Arachin.
- Redeeming a S’dei Mikneh.
- Chat'as.
- Olah.
- There are no exceptions.
What is included in “Derech”?
- A nest in the sea.
- A nest in the sky.
- A nest on the Reshus Harabbim.
- Answers A and C.
- Answers A, B, and C.
What is an “Ohf”?
- Only a Tahor bird.
- Only a Tamei bird.
- Any bird, whether Tamei or Tahor.
- Any winged creature, including Tamei and Tahor birds, and Chagavim.
- Any Tamei winged creature, including Tamei birds, and non-kosher species of Chagavim.