How can an Eiver be Metamei part of its Basar?
- When it is in a positon where it supports the Basar (Tumas Masa).
- Through its (Beis Hastarim) connection.
- When it is in a positon where it is positioned over the Basar (Tumas Ohel).
- Answers A and C.
- Answers A, B, and C.
When does the Cheilev of a Neveilah require Machashavah to allow Tumah?
- Always.
- Never.
- In cities.
- In villages.
- Under the same circumstances in which Tumas Neveilah would be conveyed.
What are consequences of food being made into “unfood”?
- It can become Mekabel Tumas Moshav.
- It can be Mekabel Tumas Takruves Avodah Zarah.
- It can be Mekabel Tumas Nigei Batim.
- Answers A and C.
- Answers A, B, and C.
How does R. Shimon define “Ochel” by Tumas Ochlin?
- Something that is Roi L’Achilas Adam.
- Something that is Roi L’Achilas Kelev.
- Something that the Torah permits be eaten.
- Something that contains nourishment.
- Something that is generally consumed in this society.
What happens to Basar Hameduldalin when a person dies?
- Nothing; it is Tahor.
- It is Metamei like any Basar Min Hameis.
- R. Meir is Metamei and and R. Shimon is Metaher.
- R. Meir is Metaher and R. Shimon is Metamei.
- It is Tamei as Basar Min Hachai.