In which circumstances may Chamei Teveria be used to be Metaher one’s hands?
- Only when one is Tovel in them.
- Only when they are in a Kli.
- Only when they are in a small Bas Bisra channel coming from the natural spring.
- All agree that one may be Tovel in them, and there is a Machlokes by a Bas Bisra, out of concern that a Kli will be used.
- All agree that a Kli may be used, and there is a Machlokes by a Bas Bisra, out of concern for Tevilah.
Which reasons for Mayim Rishonim are mentioned in the Gemara?
- S’rach Terumah.
- Mitzvah Lishmoah Divrei Chachamim.
- Its learned from V’Yadav Lo Shataf Bamayim.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A, B, and C.
How much of the hand must be washed for Kiddush Yadayim V’Raglayim?
- Until the middle of the fingers.
- Until the end of the fingers.
- The entire hand.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers B and C.
How much of the hand must be washed for Netilas Yadayim for Chulin?
- Until the middle of the fingers.
- Until the end of the fingers.
- The entire hand.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers B and C.
How long does a condition made when washing one’s hands in the morning last?
- The entire day (as long as the hands stay clean and Tahor).
- Until the end of the meal.
- Until Chatzos.
- Until after the next Tefilah.
- For three hours.