Mashkin emitted from which Tumos are Metamei?
- A Zav.
- A Sheretz.
- A Meis.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.
Which blood does “Damo – its blood” require be covered?
- All of the blood.
- At least some of the blood.
- The Dam Ha'Nefesh.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers A, B, and C.
What can be used for Kisui Hadam?
- Big pieces of pottery.
- A ground-up gold coin.
- A pot.
- A melted metal pot.
- A ground-up metal pot.
What cannot be used for Kisui Hadam (according to the Tana Kama)?
- The ashes of a burned garment.
- Fine manure.
- The ashes of a burnt metal pot.
- A ground-up gold coin.
- Ground-up rocks.
Why wasn’t Kisui Hadam one of the Mitzvos given to Avraham Avinu in merit of his saying “Va’Anochi Afar V’Eifer”?
- It doesn’t provide the person doing it with any Hana’ah.
- It is considered ancillary to Shechitah.
- The laws of Kashrus were not yet given to the B’nei Yisrael when Avraham said that.
- Avraham Avinu was already doing Kisoi Hadam, voluntarily.
- Kisui Hadam is not a Mitzvah that has to do with clothing.