1)[line 1]áòåîã åàåîø, "æä åæä àðé ðåèì" ñâéàB'OMED V'OMER, "ZEH VA'ZEH ANI NOTEL" SAGYA- if, on Erev Yom Tov, Rav Yehudah specifies which birds he intends to use tomorrow and he says, "Tomorrow I will take these birds," it is enough to remove the prohibition of Muktzah
2a)[line 7]îöåä ÷ìä ùäéà ëàéñøMITZVAH KALAH SHE'HI K'ISAR- a relatively inexpensive Mitzvah, that could cost as little as an Isar
b)[line 7]àéñøISAR- the Roman coin known as an "'As," which is the equivalent of 1/24 of a Dinar (see Background to Chulin 138:1, "Currency")
3)[line 8]"ìîòï ééèá ìê åäàøëú éîéí""L'MA'AN YITAV LACH V'HA'ARACHTA YAMIM"- "In order that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days." (Devarim 22:7)
4)[line 11]ìáéøäL'BIRAH- to a group of buildings forming one residence, where pitcher-shaped utensils are set into its walls and cornices for birds to nest (Beitzah 25a)
5a)[line 13]áòåìí ùëåìå àøåêB'OLAM SHE'KULO AROCH- the world that is eternal (to understand the significance of the phrase "Kulo Aroch," see Chochmah u'Musar by Rav Simchah Zisl Ziv mi'Kelm, Part I, p. 452 and Part II, p. 151)
b)[line 13]ìòåìí ùëåìå èåáL'OLAM SHE'KULO TOV- the world that is completely good
6)[line 13]åãìîà ìà äåä äëéV'DILMA LO HAVAH HACHI- but perhaps such a scenario never has and never will take place (but rather, one's days will always be prolonged)
7)[line 14]îçùáä øòä, àéï ä÷á''ä îöøôä ìîòùäMACHSHAVAH RA'AH, EIN HA'KADOSH BARUCH HU METZARFAH L'MA'ASEH- HaSh-m does not forge an action out of an evil thought, i.e. He does not consider it as if he acted sinfully in accordance with his thoughts
8)[line 14]åãìîà îäøäø áòáåãä æøä äåäV'DILMA MEHARHER B'AVODAH ZARAH HAVAH- but perhaps he was planning to sin by performing idol worship (where HaSh-m does punish the sinner as if he had carried out his plans)
9)[line 15]"ìîòï úôåù àú áéú éùøàì áìáí""L'MA'AN TEFOS ES BEIS YISRAEL B'LIBAM"- "That I may catch the house of Yisrael in their own heart, [because they are all estranged from Me through their idols.]" (Yechezkel 14:5)
10)[line 16]àí àéúà ãàéëà ùëø îöåú áäàé òìîà, úäðé ìéä åúâï òìéä, ãìà ìéúé ìéãé äøäåø åìéúæ÷!IM ISA D'IKA SECHAR MITZVOS B'HAI ALMA, TEHANI LEI V'SAGEN ALEI, D'LO LEISI L'YEDEI HIRHUR V'LITZAK!- If there is reward in this world for the Mitzvos that one does, the merit of the Mitzvos should protect a person (who is performing them) from thinking thoughts of Avodah Zarah, which can cause him physical harm as punishment!
11)[line 17]ùìåçé îöåä àéðï ðæå÷éíSHELUCHEI MITZVAH EINAM NIZOKIM
Sheluchei Mitzvah are those people who are on their way to do a Mitzvah, such as to learn Torah, greet their Rebbi or to redeem captives. While they are traveling, no harm befalls them. The Gemara (Pesachim 8b) quotes a Beraisa that proves this fact from verses (Shemos 34:24 and Devarim 16:7) and from a Kal va'Chomer.
12)[line 17]áçæøúí ùàðéB'CHAZARASAM SHANI- there is a difference if they are on their way back from doing the Mitzvah (where it is possible that they will come to harm)
13a)[line 18]ñåìí øòåò äåäSULAM RE'U'A HAVAH- it was a weak ladder [that the boy used]
b)[line 18]î÷åí ã÷áåò äéæ÷à ùàðéMAKOM D'KAVU'A HEZEKA SHANI- a place where injury is bound to happen is different
14)[line 19]"åéàîø ùîåàì, 'àéê àìê åùîò ùàåì åäøâðé'; [åéàîø ä', 'òâìú á÷ø ú÷ç áéãê, åàîøú, 'ìæáç ìä' áàúé'']""VAYOMER SHMUEL, 'EICH EILECH V'SHAMA SHAUL VA'HARAGANI'; [VA'YOMER HASH-M, 'EGLAS BAKAR TIKACH B'YADECHA, V'AMARTA: LIZBO'ACH LA'SH-M BASI.']" - "And Shmuel said, 'How can I go? Shaul may hear and he will kill me!' [So HaSh-m said, 'Take a calf with you, and say: I have come to offer a sacrifice to HaSh-m.']" (Shmuel I 16:2) (Shmuel's Dangerous Mission).
(a)HaSh-m informed Shmuel that he rejected Shaul ha'Melech as king of Yisrael, and that he should take the special horn (that was designated for anointing the kings of Yehudah that needed to be anointed) and go to the house of Yishai in Beis Lechem, one of whose sons was fit to take over the sovereignty of Yisrael.
(b)Shmuel, however, was afraid that Shaul, who was bound to hear about what he had done, would kill him. HaSh-m dispelled his fears by giving him another mission. He instructed him to bring a Korban under Yishai's auspices. As there was no Mishkan standing at the time, it was permitted to offer Korbanos on private alters. This gave Shmuel a pretext for which to visit Yishai that would not arouse the suspicions of Shaul.
15)[line 19]àçøACHER- Elisha ben Avuyah, a Tana who became an apostate, and was subsequently known as "Acher" ("the other one"). Several reasons are cited to explain his abandonment of tradition (here and in Chagigah 14b-15b).
16)[line 20]ìéùðà ãøáé çåöôéú äîúåøâîï çæà ãäåä îåèìú áàùôäLISHANA D'REBBI CHUTZPIS... DA'HAVAH MUTELES B'ASHPAH- he saw the tongue of Rebbi Chutzpis the Meturgeman (one of the ten martyrs of the Hadrianic persecution) laying in a heap of garbage
17a)[line 21]ôä ùäôé÷ îøâìéåúPEH SHE'HEPIK MARGALIYOS- a mouth that emitted gems [of Torah]
b)[line 50]éìçåê òôø!?YILCHOCH AFAR!?- shall lick the dirt?
18)[line 22]áòåìí ùëìå èåáB'OLAM SHE'KULO ARUCH- in the World to Come, every moment of which is timeless